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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Most people who love running now say some version of this about their first time out: When I first started jogging I couldn't do it for more than two minutes. I was out of breath. My body hurt, my lungs hurt and I thought: This isn't fun. But I am so happy I stuck with it because now I can run for miles and I can't imagine my life without running. Running isn't usually love at first sight. If you want to become a runner, this is important to keep in mind. Running is more of a slow love that has to grow on you, but once you catch the running bug, it's hard to shake. Here's Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Runner!大部分跑步爱好者谈起他们第一次外出跑步都会这么说:我才开始慢跑的时候连两分钟都坚持不下来,气喘吁吁。身体受伤、肺部不适,心想,这不好玩。但很开心我可以坚持下来,现在我可以连续跑个几英里。很难想象没有跑步的日子。跑步不是什么一见钟情的事儿,如果想成为跑步者,请牢牢记住,跑步是慢热的过程,慢慢地你会越来越爱跑步,一旦上瘾,戒都戒不掉。以下便是《跑步初学者指南》。
        Don't expect it to be easy.不要想当然认为跑步小菜一碟。
        Don't use how hard or how easy it is when you first jog as a gauge on whether or not you should become a runner. Just know right now that starting isn't easy. You have to get your body conditioned to running before you get to a place where jogging becomes enjoyable. So you definitely don't want to judge yourself or running first time out. If you can only run for two minutes when you first start jogging, that's totally okay. Run for two, walk for 10 minutes, and repeat. Build on those numbers, running more and walking less. If you commit time to running a few times a week, you will be amazed at how quickly your body adapts and you make progress.刚开始跑不要以难易来衡量你是否该跑下去,现在你只须知道开头不易。你的身体得先适应了,慢跑才会成为享受。所以千万不要才开始跑就妄下结论或者跑得体力透支。如果一开始只能跑两三分钟,这足够了。跑两分钟,再走十分钟,周而复始。随着时间的累积,便会跑得愈多、走得愈少。如果你每周都花时间跑几次,你会惊喜地发现你身体适应的速度之快、进步指日可待。
        Go for the oh-my-gosh-I-just-ran-for-15-minutes.天呐,我跑了一刻钟----坚持下去。
        While starting out can be kind of uncomfortable, you are going to love it when your body turns a corner and you realize you just jogged for 15 minutes without stopping. AND, get this: It wasn't that bad. Your excitement at doing something you didn't think you could do will start to take hold and you will feel on top of the world. Soon you will set out to run longer than 15 minutes. And this is how your love of running takes hold.刚开始可能不太舒服,但当你的身体发生变化,你会爱上跑步的,你会意识到你可以连续跑一刻钟。而且,记住,这个并不糟糕。你以前觉得自己不行,现在却做到了,这种兴奋感会让你停不下来、快乐无边。很快,你开始可以跑不止一刻钟之久,自此你便离不开跑步。
        Start flat.先从平地开始跑。
        Conditioning your body to run is challenging enough without adding hills right off the bat. Stack the odds in your favor and jog on flat surfaces when you are just starting.不立马增加坡度,光调节身体状态适应跑步就已经很挑战了。认清自己的水平,刚开始的时候先在平地慢跑。
        Realize the benefits of running.意识到跑步的好处
        If you have always wanted to run, but you lack the oomph to start, here's a motivational list for you on the benefits of running:如果你一直想跑,但又缺乏跑步的精力,以下罗列了跑步的益处,可以激励你:
        Get a great cardiovascular workout that torches calories and makes you sweat.一次极佳的心血管运动可以燃烧卡路里,让你充分流汗。
        Alleviate stress, boost mental clarity and improve your mood.减轻压力、让你思维清晰、心情愉悦。
        Eventually you can experience runner's high ---- endorphins that result from the right amount of challenge to your body.最终你会体验运动员的快感----适量运动挑战身体,释放内腓呔。
        Hold on to those youthful looks -- fights the aging process and prevents muscle and bone loss caused by aging.永葆青春----延缓衰老,防止由衰老而引起的肌肉和骨质流失。
        Helps improve your health by fighting disease and reducing your risk for heart attacks. Also helps with good cholesterol while lowering your blood pressure. Oh, and it boosts your immunity too.改善身体健康、抗争疾病,减少心脏病风险。有益优质胆固醇,降低血压,也增强抵抗力。
        Gives you a sense of accomplishment and confidence.让你尽享成就感、饱含自信心。

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