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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        The day after a sleepless night can seem to last forever. You get out of bed groggy, disorientated, and wanting nothing more than to slip back under covers.But scientists say a few simple tricks could help you get through the day without anyone ever knowing you’ve missed your much-needed rest.通宵不睡之后的一天总让人感觉特别漫长。刚起床,你就感到,毫无方向感,你别无所求,只想再钻回被子里去。科学家告诉我们,几招简单的方法就能让你顺利度过这一天,不会让任何人察觉你一宿未眠,极度渴睡。
        1.Don't hit snooze别打瞌睡
        You’ll almost certainly reach for the snooze button the morning after a restless night. But as hard as it may be, back away.一夜无眠之后的早晨,你一定会感到梦乡的召唤。尽管十分困难,你还是要抵制它的诱惑。
        2.Eat breakfast within an hour of getting up起床后一个小时之内吃早餐
        Once you’re up, make sure you eat breakfast within an hour of getting out of bed.早晨醒来之后,一定要在起床后一小时的时间之内吃早餐。
        3. Avoid sugar. Choose proteins and grains早餐别加糖,选择含有蛋白质或谷物的早餐
        But avoid the sugary cereals if you want to prevent a crash later, and instead opt for whole grains and eggs. Sugars and high glycemic foods spike energy only to have it fall again. Proteins and healthy fats are best.不过要避免选择含糖的谷物,以免随后感到困乏。你可以选择全麦面包和鸡蛋替代含糖谷物。糖分很高的食物会在短期内让你精神百倍,可是随后你很快就会精神殆尽。含蛋白质和优质脂肪的食物是最佳选择。
        4.Get outside, and don't wear sunglasses出门去,别带墨镜
        On your way to work, avoid putting on sunglasses and make sure get outside in bright natural light.在上班的路上别带墨镜,一定要让自己置身户外,曝露在明亮的自然光之下。
        5.Drink just one cup of coffee in the morning早上喝一杯咖啡
        Coffee drinkers should only get a single cup of their chosen brew. Having anymore could mean you use up your recommended 400 milligram quote of coffee a day too quickly.喜欢早上喝咖啡的人应该只喝一杯自己喜欢的口味的咖啡。人体一天只需要400毫克的咖啡因,如果你早上喝的咖啡过多,就过早的完成了这一天所需的咖啡因摄取量。
        6.Have another cup when you get to work准备开始工作的时候可以再喝一杯咖啡
        Most people feel groggy after waking up, but that clears, without coffee after around 20 to 30 minutes. This means coffee will be more helpful around midday.许多人在刚睡醒的时候都会感到困乏,但即使你不喝咖啡,这种困乏感也会在起床后20-30分钟后消失,这意味着正午左右喝咖啡的作用更大。
        7.Tackle your toughest jobs early 趁早解决到最棘手的工作
        Your first few hours at work are likely to be the most alert you’ll be all day, so make sure you get your toughest task done first.开始工作后的最初几个小时很可能是你一天中最清醒的时候,所以一定要首先处理掉最棘手的工作。
        8. Avoid coffee altogether after 3pm在下午3点之后避免再喝咖啡
        Have another cup of coffee before a big meeting, and one in the afternoon. The caffeine will take around 30 minutes to kick in, but make sure you don’t have a cup after 3pm.在重要会议开始之前再喝一杯咖啡,下午可以再喝一杯。咖啡因大约需要30分钟的时间才能被人体吸收。不过一定要确保在下午3点钟之后就不再喝了。
        9.In the afternoon, do simple tasks, like replying to emails在下午的时间做尽可能简单的工作,例如回复邮件
        Power through stuff like replying to emails or sorting files,’ advises the video. ‘And finally, get out of the office a little early if possible.一鼓作气完成一些简单的工作,比如回复邮件或者整理文件。最后,如果可能的话,提早一点离开办公室。

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