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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        1.The Follow Up约会结束的后续
        Generally speaking, once the date ends and you parted ways, chances are you told her something along the lines of “Text me when you get home to let me know you’re safe," or something to that effect. If she had a good time, there’s a good chance she’ll end up texting back and forth with you for a little while afterwards. 通常来说,约会结束你们分开走的时候,你就应该趁机告诉她类似于“到家的时候给我发个短信,告诉我你安全到家了,”或者一些能起到那种效果的话。如果她过得很开心的话,很有可能到家过一会儿就跟你来回短信。
        If communication drops off entirely once you part ways, sorry to say, there’s a good chance she didn’t really have that good of a time and was just trying to save face and not make things awkward如果你们分开走之后就完全没有任何交流了的话,很抱歉地告诉你,可能她过得并不怎么愉快,之前都只是给你留面子,不想事情弄得太尴尬。
        2.The Goodbye道别
        Chances are if she had a good time, she’s going to be open to or possibly even suggest potential future plans together. Maybe you guys talked about how you both haven’t seen that one movie yet, or dined at that restaurant yet, or there’s a bar that you should both check out. That’s a pretty obvious in for a date in the future, and if any of this type of conversation happened, your date went pretty well. 如果她过得很开心的话,她就会跟你一起谈谈甚至建议下一次的约会计划。也许你们两个会谈到一部两个人都没看过的电影,或是两人没一起吃过的那家餐馆,又或者你们俩应该去同一家酒吧看看。那就很明显你们会有下一次约会了,如果有任何类似于这种的对话,你这次的约会就很成功了。



        3. It Went On Longer Than Expected约会时间比预期的要长
        If you want to know if your first date was a success or not, take a look at how long it went on. When dinner, or whatever the first part of your date ended, did you ask her to go somewhere else? Did she say yes or no? These are the questions you need to ask yourself. 如果你想知道你的第一次约会是否成功,只要看看它持续了多久时间就行。晚饭的时候,或者你第一次约会结束的时候,你有没有邀请她跟你去别的地方?她答应了还是拒绝了?这些都是你需要问你自己的问题。
        If she did happily accompany you to whatever second venue you guys decided on, that’s definitely a good sign. It means that she at least wanted to see a little more of you and get to know you better.如果她开心地陪你到任何你决定去的地方,那肯定是个好的征兆了。这就意味着她至少想多看看你,更好地了解了解你。
        4. She Remembered The Little Things她记得细节
        If she was into you when she was on the date she likely paid a lot more attention to the little details, and also asked a lot more questions than she would have if she didn’t really care for you. So, if later on in the date you found that she remembered details that you mentioned very casually in passing, that’s definitely a sign that the date went well. 如果她喜欢你的话,你们约会的时候,她就可能会关注很多细节部分,同时也喜欢问你很多问题,如果她不是真的在乎你的话,她何必这样做呢。所以,到约会后面部分的时候,如果你发现她记得那些你走路的时候随意提到的细节,那绝对是约会进行地很顺利的征兆。
        5. Her Body Language她的肢体语言
        If she wanted to impress you and you took her to a nice restaurant, there’s a good chance she tried to look extra nice. If you notice any of the more obvious, difficult-to-confuse positive body-language signals from her, you probably won’t be wrong in assuming your first date was a success.如果你带她去了一个很好的餐厅,她想让你印象深刻的话,她很有可能会试着让自己看起来很好。如果你注意到其中一点——她很主动地做出一些暗示尤为明显的动作的话,你可能没猜错——第一次约会很成功哦。

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