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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        The answer to how to be happy alone might be quite simple, actually, and it might depend on why you are searching for answers. 其实,孤单时如何快乐起来的答案很简单,可能就取决于你为什么要寻找这个答案。
        Did your spouse or a very close person to you just pass away? If so, my condolences, I do have some comforting and helpful words for you in this article. Did a relationship terminate because of your actions or the actions of your former partner? What I’m going to write will help with that too. Is it because you just can’t seem to find someone to suit your expectations and you fear that you may have to resign to being single for the rest of your life? I’ll cover that as well.伴侣或者一个非常亲近的人去世了?如果是这样的话,我对你表示哀悼,这篇文章里确实有要送给你的一些安慰的而且有帮助的言辞。还是由于你的所作所为或你前任的原因你们分手了?我要写的东西对你也会有所帮助。又或是因为你似乎找不到符合你期望的人,怕一辈子要这样孤单下去了?我也会谈到这点的。
        How to be happy alone:You shouldn’t be alone孤单时如何快乐起来:你不应该孤单
        If you want to know how to be happy alone, you might not be asking yourself the right question. Being alone is not a good idea. Lack of social interaction can easily lead to depression and other unhealthy mental states.如果你想知道独自一人时如何快乐起来,你可能问错问题了。孤单可不是好事。缺少社交活动很容易导致抑郁和其他不健康的精神状态。
        You probably did not have had a choice when you became alone and I understand that. It is now up to you though (when you are ready) to figure out how not to be alone anymore. Look to do that instead of trying to turn “being alone” into a happy thing. Fortunately, the road from being alone to not being alone is much easier and more pleasant to travel than you think.当你独自一人时你可能别无选择,我也理解。然而现在你要自己弄明白以后如何不再孤单。要解决孤单的问题,而不是努力把孤单变成一件乐事。幸运的是,从孤单到不孤单的过程比你想象的要容易愉快得多。
        How to be Happy Alone:You don’t have to be alone孤单时如何快乐起来:你不必孤单
        First off, twice a week, surround yourself with friends or family. Go have a coffee or tea with a relative once a week or the like. Offer to babysit for a relative or close friends. Golf, walk, or play tennis, for example with an old workmate etc. Try to schedule two things that happen regularly.首先,你要和朋友家人一星期聚两次。和亲戚一星期在一起喝一次或几次咖啡或茶,主动给亲戚或亲近的朋友看孩子,比如说和老搭档去打高尔夫、散步或者打网球等等,努力安排两件定期做的事。
        You will find that there will be significantly less thought spent dwelling on loneliness (if any), even when you ARE alone. You will be happier and healthier. Be sure to really live in the present and the moment when you are hanging out with family or friends. Listen to them and understand them. Be there for them. Making them happy will make you happy.We just discussed a very simple way that we can make the rest of your life one in which you lived to the fullest and helped others to the same. This is how to be happy.甚至当你确实独自一个人的时候,你也会发现你不再那么纠结于孤独(如果你感到过孤独的话)。你会更快乐更健康。一定要活在当下,享受正和家人朋友在一起的时刻,做他们的听众,理解他们,随时准备好帮他们。快乐别人也就是快乐你自己,我们刚说的是一种非常简单的能使我们充分享受余生的方法,你也可以帮助别人达到这个目标,这就是快乐的秘诀。



        How to be Happy Alone:What if I don’t get along with my family?孤单时如何快乐起来:我和家人处得不好怎么办?
        If you have old friends or family that you no longer get along with, perhaps it’s now time to make peace of those situations. What a great way to turn an unhappy situation into something that will make more than just you happy. Sorry to give you work to do, but I just made that your goal.Look, I know that you want to be happy, you did a search on how to be happy alone. Well, one answer is to make other people happy.如果你有很久没来往的老朋友或家人,可能现在你就该去化解这些局面了。能把不愉快的情况变成不仅仅使你一个人愉快的情况多好呀!很抱歉你又有事要做了,但我只是想让你把这个当作目标。你看,我知道你想快乐,你在寻找孤单时也能快乐起来的方法。好吧,唯一的答案就是让别人高兴。
        How to be Happy Alone:Join a group孤单时如何快乐起来:加入一个小团体
        Still don’t have anyone to hang out with? Join a Yoga Class or a canoe paddling group (fun!). Lean to play cards, scrabble, or mahjong. Go to school. You will end up in a study group and you will further your career. There are book clubs and stuff. The list is endless.还没有能一起出去逛的朋友?那就参加一个瑜伽课程或者一个划独木舟的小组(真的很好玩!),或学学打牌、拼字游戏或麻将,或者去上学。你最终会学到点东西,也能对事业有所助益。有读书俱乐部之类的组织,这样的组织数不胜数。
        Again, I’m not saying you have to be busy all the time. Just a couple of times a week is good enough. People are social. Being social will make you healthy and happy. Just join the group and a situation will come up to where you become social with other people – you’ll see. You will find yourself looking forward to next week and next year. It will foster joy and happiness.再强调一下,我的意思不是让你一直忙忙碌碌,一周几次就足够了。人生活在社会里,有社交活动会使你健康快乐。去加入一个小团体,这样你最终能和别人处得来——你会看到自己的变化的。你会发现自己期待着下周,期待着第二年,这样会给你带来快乐幸福。



        How to be Happy Alone:Buy a pet孤单时如何快乐起来:买个宠物
        If you end up living alone for an extended period of time I would also suggest a pet. If you are able to have a dog where you live, these make the very best pets for people who live alone. They provide structure, purpose, company, humor, love to get outdoors, and they make great walking partners. If you can’t afford the time to give so much attention, a rabbit or a cat will do.如果你独自生活很久,我也建议你养个宠物。如果你住的地方能养狗,它们就是独自生活的人的最好宠物。它们成为你生活的一部分,使你有目标,陪伴你,给你带来幽默,它们喜欢去户外,也是非常好的散步伙伴。如果你没有如此多的时间关注它们,养只兔子或猫也行。
        How to be Happy Alone:Take darn good care of your lonely self孤单时如何快乐起来:绝对要好好照顾孤单的自己
        Twice a week cook yourself favorite dishes that you love to eat. Mix it up with brand new things to cook, too. Pay attention to detail. Eat without the TV or any other distractions. Preferably, eat somewhere which gives you a nice view of some sort, even if it is an urban setting. Just relax, enjoy your creation, and watch. Savor each bite. Don’t reflect, but rather live in the moment.一周给自己做两次喜欢吃的东西,也要搭配全新的烹饪材料。注意细节,吃的时候不要看电视,不要有任何分散注意力的东西。最好去某个景色好的地方吃饭,即使在城市里也行。只要放松就可以,享受你自己的杰作,看看美景。尽情享受每一口美味。不要多想,就享受眼前这一刻。

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