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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Why are most of us scared of death, despite its inevitability for all?为什么大多数人惧怕那必然到来的死亡?
        获得1.2k好评的答案:@Lou Davis
        A few years ago, a patient came into the Emergency Department with terrible burns, he was, unfortunately, still conscious and alert. He knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he was going to die.几年前,急诊科来了一位严重的烧伤病人,不幸的是,他仍旧意识清醒而且有所警觉。他深信不疑自己就要死了。
        He was scared of death, he told us, not for himself but because he was scared of how his family would cope.他惧怕死亡。他告诉我们,他并非担心他自己,而是担心他死了之后他的家人怎么办。
        His feelings have been echoed by many of the patients we have seen over the years. They are, often, resigned to their own death, some of them welcome it, but those who have voiced concerns are always concerned about the impact on loved ones.他的反应跟我们这么多年来见到的很多病人一样。面对死亡的现实,他们有的人通常会淡然地接受死亡,也有人会欣然地接受,但他们都表示很担心这会影响到爱他们的人。
        A friend and colleague who died after a, very brief, terminal illness was more concerned about his wife than himself.我的一个朋友兼同事,死于一种急性绝症,他那时担心他的妻子更胜过担心他自己。
        So, perhaps, that is the answer - we are scared for those we leave behind.所以,也许,那就是答案——我们是担心那些还留在这个世上的人。
        获得96个好评的回答:@Barry Hampe
        I cannot remember a time when I was scared of death. Of dying, yes. Of being dead, no. My reluctance to die comes from not wanting to miss out on anything, not from fear. When I started flying airplanes off of ships I was aware that this was not a safe occupation. I have watched pilots die right in front of me. It's not a career you want to take up if you're scared of death. Now that I'm much closer to the end of my life than the beginning, my only fear is that I may hang on until I'm a burden to those who love me and would have to take care of me. I'd prefer a long life and a clean death while I'm still functioning.我记不起那个害怕死亡的瞬间了。快要死的时候,是很害怕的。但是死了之后,就不怕了。我不想死是因为不想要忘记以前的事情而不是因为害怕。当我选择了当一名海上飞行员的时候,我就知道这份职业并不安全。我见过就死在我面前的飞行员。如果你害怕死亡的话,你根本胜任不了这份工作。我已经活了大半辈子了,我唯一害怕的就是我会成为那些爱我的人的负担,直到最后都还需要他们来照顾我。我更希望死在我生活还能自理的时候。
        获得60个好评的回答:@Xu Beixi
        It's likely the irreversibility of death that frightens us. I suppose it's partly why so many of us believe in rebirth, heaven, immortality, and so forth, despite the compelling lack of evidence.这更像是死亡的必然性吓到我们了。我觉得这就是为什么尽管一点都不科学,大多数人还是相信重生、天堂和不朽等等。
        Actually, Tyrion said it better:“Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities.”事实上,Tyrion说得更好:“死亡是个很糟糕的终点,因为活着才会有许多种可能。”

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