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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        6. That you snore, ever so slightly, in your sleep.你睡觉时会打呼噜,虽然声音很轻。
        Yeah, you definitely snore in your sleep. It’s not very loud, but, yeah, you do snore occasionally – I just don’t have the heart to say anything about it.是的,你确实睡觉会打呼噜。声音不大,但你真的偶尔会打呼噜——我就是不愿意说出来罢了。
        Although, if it ever gets to the point where it’s hindering our sleep cycle, don’t worry, I’ll tell you.尽管如此,如果声音大到影响我睡觉了,别担心,我会告诉你的。
        7. That you try to act more independent than you really are.你努力表现得比自己实际上更独立。
        I know you’re an independent woman — that’s why I showed interest in you in the first place, but everyone needs help at times, and you’re no exception.我知道你是个独立的女性——那也是你最初吸引我的地方,但每个人都需要帮助,你也不例外。
        Although most of the time you do a pretty good “Wonder Woman” impression, solving any and all of the world’s problems, when you crack, it reminds me you’re human (which isn’t such a bad thing).虽然你总是给人留下超棒的“女超人”的印象、好像能解决世界上所有问题,但当你精神上承受不住时,这也会提醒我你是人不是神(这也不是很糟糕的事)。
        I may not say anything, but still, I respect the high standard you set for yourself and your ambition to do things for yourself — and do them well, at that. That’s a quality that all successful people need to be born with.我可能什么都不说,但我尊重你为自己设定的高标准和你自己的追求——就这样把这些事做好吧。那是所有成功人士与生俱来的品质。
        8. That you’re scared of my mom.你害怕我妈妈。
        Yeah, I know you’re a little bit scared of my mother, but not to worry, I am too.是的,我知道你有点怕我妈妈,但不用担心,因为我也怕她。
        Nevertheless, the fact that you make repeated efforts to get close to my family shows me you’re serious about our relationship – and the other people in my life, too.不过,你不断拉近与我家人距离的努力我都看在眼里,我知道你是认真对待我们的关系的——也是认真对待我生活中其他人的。
        9. That you’re wearing something for me.你为我而打扮。
        Fact is, I compliment you for a reason (surprisingly not just to hear myself speak). If I tell you I like something you’re wearing or doing, I mean it.事实上,我称赞你都是出于某种原因的(你肯定惊讶这竟然不仅仅是我的自言自语)。如果我告诉你我喜欢你穿戴的某件东西或你做的某件事,那我是认真的。
        So when you actually listen to my feedback, it shows me you actually care about my input. It also shows me you care about pleasing me.所以当你真听我的反馈时,我知道你是真的在乎我的意见。这也表明你很在让我高兴。
        I doubt I’ll make a comment about this; it’s more so one of those things I’ll observe and keep to myself, but it never goes unnoticed.恐怕我会就此发表意见;我关注你的很多细节,而你为我打扮是我更为关注并记在心里的,这一点永远不会被我忽视掉。
        10. That you try super hard to get along with my friends.你极其努力地与我的朋友相处。
        If anyone knows how difficult my friends can be, it’s me. Still, no matter how rough around the edges they may be, it has never discouraged you from trying to bond with “the guys” to make me happy.如果有谁知道我的朋友多难相处,那就是我自己。虽然如此,无论他们多么不完美,都没有阻止你努力地去和“那些家伙”相处,因为你知道这样我会高兴。
        And although I might not take the time to stop and tell you how much I appreciate this, I do. It really makes the difference.虽然我可能没有特意告诉你我有多欣赏你这样做,但我确实很欣赏。这真的对我有很大影响。
        Sure, it would be easier to let my friends stay separate from us, but the fact that you care to be involved shows an interest in my life outside of my relationship.当然,把你我的恋爱和我的朋友们分割开来会容易得多,但你想要融入进来的做法表明你有兴趣融入到我恋爱之外的圈子中。

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