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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        A devoted husband is keeping his wife's fading memory alive by reading from the diary he has kept for more than 70 years of their marriage.一位深情的丈夫每天会给患老年痴呆症的妻子读日记,来唤起她对往日爱情的回忆。这样的婚姻日记,他已经坚持写70多年。
        Jack Potter, 91, visits Phyllis, 93, who suffers from dementia, every day at her care home and shows her photographs and recalls fond memories of their courting days and holidays.91岁的杰克-波特每天都会去老人院看望93岁的妻子菲利斯,她患有老年痴呆症。杰克会给妻子看以前的老照片,希望能唤起她对以前恋爱时光的美好回忆。
        The couple's love story is reminiscent of the romantic drama The Notebook.这对夫妇的爱情,不由得让我们想起了那部爱情电影《恋恋笔记本》。
        In the 2004 film, the character Noah, played by James Garner, tells his wife Allie, played by Gena Rowlands, the tale of how they met, were separated and reunited.在这部2004年的电影里,男主角诺亚(詹姆斯·加纳饰演)向妻子艾莉诉说(吉娜·罗兰兹饰演)他们相遇、分离又重逢的故事。
        Allie, a dementia sufferer, is gripped by the tale - told in flashback with Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams as their younger selves - and has a brief lucid moment where she realises the story is about her and her husband.患老年痴呆症的艾莉被这段故事深深吸引,而在偶尔神志清醒的时刻,他意识到这就是她和丈夫的故事。除了老年时期的艾莉和诺亚,电影中由瑞恩·高斯林和瑞秋·麦亚当斯扮演的青年时期也不断闪回出现。
        The character wrote the story down herself and instructed Noah to read it to her so she would 'come back' to him.艾莉自己写下这个故事,要求诺亚读给他听,这样也许自己有一天还能“重新”回到他身边。



        In real life, Mr Potter first met Phyllis at a wartime dance - and instantly fell in love. The couple married 16 months later and Mr Potter kept on recording their lives together, carrying on the habit he began as a boy.而在现实版本中,杰克在一次战时舞会上遇到菲利斯,两人一见钟情。这对爱人在16个月后结婚,杰克开始继续他们婚后的生活,写日记是他自小就有的习惯。
        Last weekend the Potters celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary at the care home in Rochester, Kent, and received a card from the Queen.上周,波特夫妇在肯特郡的罗切斯特市的这家老人院里庆祝了他们结婚70周年纪念,他们还收了英国女王送的贺卡。
        Mr Potter still jots down little things to tell his wife when he visits her. He said: 'I remember it like it was yesterday the first time I met her - she came up to me and asked me to dance.如今杰克还是会记录下生活中的小事,在去拜访妻子的时候告诉她。他说道:“现在想起我第一次见到她的情景,就好像是昨天一样。她走到我面前,邀请我跳舞。”
        'She was an excellent dance partner and an older woman - I thought she was wonderful and I still do. It was definitely love at first sight, everything fell into place. It was uncanny really.'“她是非常优秀的舞伴,也是成熟女性,我当时就觉得她非常棒,我现在依然这样认为。我对她绝对是一见钟情,那是一种全世界都安静下来的感觉,非常不可思议。”
        Mr Potter said: 'We've been together ever since, I wrote down in my diaries all of our stories and our in-jokes. We have been together forever, we had no children it was just us two.杰克说道:“结婚后我们一直在一起,我们所有的故事,所有玩笑的话我都写在了日记里,我们一直在一起,没有孩子只有我们俩。”
        'Phyllis struggles to speak and I will often read to her and chat to her but she struggles to respond. I often take the diaries of our time caravanning and show her the pictures, she enjoys that.“菲利斯总会想要开口说话,我会读日记给她听,她总是会努力想要回应我。我经常给她读日记里我们乘旅行拖车外出度假的时光,也会给她看那些老照片,她非常喜欢。
        'Whenever I turn up to see her she stretches her arms out to hug me - she is very affectionate - despite being so unwell.“每次我去看她的时候,她都会伸出胳膊想要拥抱我,虽然她身体状况不好,可是我能看出来她还是很爱我的。”

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