It’s 2015, and texting is an integral part of our lives – whether it’s pertaining to our regular ol’ friends or a girlfriend (or boyfriend alike).现在是2015年,短信是我们生活中不可或缺的一部分——无论是发给工作上的朋友还是发给男/女朋友。
Whether we fail to accept it or not, the things we say through text messages – in many cases – are equally as important as those said face-to-face.不管你是不是不愿意接受,但在很多情况下,我们通过短信传达的信息和面对面说的一样重要。
For this reason, you need to be deliberate with the things you text her. After all, I’m sure you could relate to receiving a certain text that managed to brighten up your day after opening it up.因此,你发短信时要深思熟虑。毕竟我敢保证,收到一条甜蜜的短信可以点亮你的一整天。
By putting more effort into the finer points of your relationship, like random texts throughout the day, you can show her you’re truly committed (or interested, if you’re not quite in the relationship stage yet).为促进恋爱关系多做一点努力,你会让她感受到你的诚意,比如说在一天中随性发一条短信。(如果你们之间还没确定恋爱关系,这至少表明你对她感兴趣)。
F*ck all that “sending signals” or “waiting for a sign” talk. If you like her – tell her. By trying to be too cryptic and mysterious, you might end up losing her in the process. Save that for the romantic comedies.不要再纠结她是否有“给过你暗示”,也不要“等待她的暗示”了。如果你喜欢她就告诉她。如果你态度模棱两可或者表现得过于神秘,那么很有可能失去她。省省吧,纠结来纠结去那些都是浪漫爱情喜剧里的桥段。
Here are the eight situational texts you should certainly be mindful of and how to go about them properly.以下是8种场景下发送的短信,你应该注意如何恰当地发送这些短信。
1. The “good morning” text“早安”短信
You’re going to want to get a bit creative, here. Dive into your bag of tricks, as it’s the first thing she’s going to be waking up to in the morning. Make sure to stay away from generic sh*t like “good morning.”这样的短信你可能想要有点创意。尝试一些小窍门吧,因为这条短信是她早上一睁开眼睛第一个要看到的东西。你一定要避免“早上好”这样俗套的东西。
Do you know how many dudes have probably texted her “good morning”? Exactly. You’re going to want to separate yourself from the pack, so to speak – and how are we going to do that? Bam, we’re gonna throw in a pet name.你知道有多少哥们儿可能给她发过“早上好”吗?一定有很多。这么说吧,你想要和他们有点区别吧——那我们要怎么做呢?噢,我们要在短信里加上一个爱称。
Personally, I’ve always been a fan of “good morning sunshine,” as it paints some pretty mental imagery. It’s warm, not overly provocative, and it’s also directly quoted from a Quasimoto song… so, yeah.就我个人而言,我一直很喜欢这样的短信“早安,我的阳光”,因为它描绘了很美的心理意象,是那种温暖的、却不太过分的感觉,这也是Quasimoto的一首歌里的歌词…所以,这个很好。
2. The “I had a good time” text短信:“和你在一起很开心”
If you genuinely had a good time with a girl – whether it was on a date or after just meeting her for the first time somewhere – it’s super crucial to be vocal about it. Don’t be shy, big guy. We’re going to have to use our words.如果你真的和一个女孩在一起觉得很开心——无论是约会之后还是第一次在某个地方见到她之后——清楚地表达这种感觉都是超级重要的。伙计,别羞于表达。我们要好好利用文字。
Remember, if you don’t say anything, how will she know? Having said that, we all don’t have to be wordsmiths like Hank Moody in order to express ourselves.记住,如果你什么都不说,她怎么会知道呢?上面已经说过了,我们并不必像汉克•穆迪那样舞文弄墨地去表达想法。
Keep it short and sweet and straight to the point. If you had fun with her, just say, “Hey, I really had fun with you last night.”简短、甜蜜、直接地去表达。如果你和她在一起很开心,就说“嘿,我昨晚和你在一起真的很开心”。
It shouldn’t really matter how specifically you choose to articulate it – as long as you’re clear-cut about your feelings. The ability to vocalize your emotions will show confidence, and girls will eat that sh*t up.你的表达有多么特别真的没太大关系——只要你把你的感觉描述清楚了。能够说出你的情感就显示出你很自信,而且女孩也吃这一套。
3. The “I’m just thinking about you” text短信:“我正在想你”
You’ll have to be wary of how liberal you are with this type of text. If you overuse it, you’ll risk making yourself sound a little bit creepy.你要提防这类短信措辞的自由程度,如果使用过度,你的短信有可能会让人心生畏惧。
I mean, think about it; If her feelings aren’t 100 percent matched, it might make her a little bit uncomfortable knowing you’re “thinking about her” with any great frequency.我的意思是,要考虑考虑;如果她对你不是100%有感觉,那她知道你在很频繁地“想她”就会使她感觉有点不舒服。
Then again, if she’s into you – the same way you’re into her – this type of text will pay off in spades. It’ll tell show her she’s truly making an impact on you day-to-day, and you’re sensitive enough to recognize and appreciate it.然而,如果她像你喜欢她一样也喜欢你——这种短信肯定会很有效果,能使她知道她对你的影响与日俱增,你也敏感地意识到了这种影响、并且对此感到很喜欢。
【相关】如何发短信哄女朋友开心?(下) |