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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        9. A “For Now” is replaceable; a “Forever” is certain.“爱一时”的男朋友是可替代的;“爱一世”的男朋友只有一个。
        When you find the man you could spend your life with, you know deep in your soul this is right. All of your boyfriends before, you’d always felt slightly uneasy about.当你遇到可以共度一生的男人时,你在心灵深处就知道这是对的;而在这之前的历任男朋友,你都曾感觉多少有点不自在。
        10. A “For Now” is like; a “Forever” is love. “爱一时”是喜欢;“爱一世”是爱。
        You only truly love that one man with all of your heart and soul. Whatever you had with your other boyfriend was purelyinfatuation. It was empty and unfulfilling. While you may not have known it at the time, when a “Forever” comes along, you’ll understand.你只会全心全意地真正去爱一个人。你对其他男朋友只有纯粹的迷恋,这种感觉是空洞的、没有满足感。或许你当时不懂,但当能陪你到永远的那个人来到你身边时,你就懂了。
        11. A “For Now” doesn’t know himself; a “Forever” learns about himself with you. “爱一时”的男朋友连他自己都不懂自己;“爱一世”的男朋友跟你一起了解他自己。

        The man you’re going to marry knows himself but has so much more to learn now that he’s found you. That other boyfriend barely knew who he was and couldn’t grow with you.你要嫁的那个人了解他自己,但现在有了你之后、他对自己还有很多需要了解的地方;“爱一时”的男朋友只是知道自己是谁,却不会和你一起成长。
        12. A “For Now” is about weekends; a “Forever” is about weeks on end. “爱一时”的男朋友只关心如何度过周末;“爱一世”的男朋友关心的是和你度过的每一周。

        Your future husband isn’t the kind of guy who just plans on a party because he’s busy building a future with you. The other guys you’ve dated were far too shortsighted to go above and beyond.将成为你丈夫的男朋友不是那种只会计划办聚会的人,因为他正忙着和你一起建设未来。其他曾经和你约会的男孩子都目光太短浅,不会想得太远、不会有所超越。
        13. A “For Now” has a return label; a “Forever” is a done deal. “爱一时”的男朋友天然带有退货标签;“爱一世”的男朋友是笔成功交易。

        The guy who is your forever is as distinct as that vintage sweater you picked up in Chelsea. A guy who is only temporary is as returnable as a shirt from the Gap. He’s less pressure, but he’s bland.永远陪你的那个人就像在切尔西买的复古毛衣一样特别,暂时陪你的那个人就像在Gap买的T恤一样是可以退货的。他的压力小,但也冷漠。
        14. A “For Now” is trying it on for size; a “Forever” is the perfect fit. “爱一时”的男朋友和你谈恋爱只是试试看;“爱一世”的男朋友和你是最完美的搭配。

        There are no alterations needed with the guy who’ll be in your life forever. With all of those other boyfriends of yesteryear, you were just trying on the relationships to find out if they fit. They never did.和“爱一世”的男朋友在一起,你不需要做出改变;和爱一时的男朋友在一起,你们只是为了试试看彼此是否合适、而事实证明你们永远不会合适。
        15. A “For Now” holds your hand; a “Forever” holds your heart.“爱一时”的男朋友握着你的手;“爱一世”的男朋友握着你的心。

        That guy who is ‘The One’ is the person you give your whole heart to. A guy who’s just around for now, you hardly trust with your hand.和“爱一世”的男朋友在一起,你会放心地把整个心交给他;和“爱一时”的男朋友在一起,你甚至连把手交给他握着都有些不放心。
        16. A “For Now” means you’re looking for something better; a “Forever” means you’ve already found it. 与“爱一时”的男朋友在一起,你会寻找一个更好的人;与“爱一世”的男朋友在一起,你已经找到了那个对的人。

        You can call off the search when you meet the right man. Before you found him, you were always looking for next best thing. Now that he’s here, you’re finished wandering.当你找到对的人之后就不用继续寻找了;在你找到他之前,你一直在寻找下一个更好的人。一旦找到对的人,你就不再徘徊。

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