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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



                Time to sort your “love”! Let’s see, how many items are true to you!现在看看你的“爱情”诊断结果,你符合多少项呢?
                You answered YES to 4 or more of questions “1-5″:1-5题:有4项或以上符合情况:
                Genuinely in love】千真万确坠入了爱河
                You are in carnivorous mode. Perhaps you’re frustrated? But “I want to have sex!” is a type of “love” that is necessary for human prosperity so there’s nothing to be ashamed of!你属于食肉类型。是不是感到丧气呢?但对性欲的渴望也是“爱情”的一方面,是人类繁衍生殖的必经过程,所以完全没必要感到羞耻!
                You answered YES to 4 or more of questions “6-10″:6-10题:有4项或以上符合情况:
                【You like his face or the feeling of being with him/her】你喜欢他的相貌,或喜欢和他/她在一起的感觉
                The feeling of comfort when you two are together is important. But actually, you might be in love with yourself rather than him/her. This might be the typical “I like him/her if he/she likes me”.两个人在一起感到舒服非常重要,但事实上,或许你爱自己远远多于爱他/她。这就是典型的“如果对方爱我,我也会爱对方”类型。
                You answered YES to 4 or more of questions “11-15″:11-15题:有4项或以上符合情况:
                【Friendly love】朋友型爱情
                This is the perfect kind of “love” for just friends. You two might have good influence on each other as rivals. It’s best to be friends that you can joke with and share your weaknesses with.这是典型的“朋友式”爱情。你俩或许像冤家一样能积极影响对方。你们比较适合做朋友,因为彼此能相互开涮、数落缺点。
                You answered YES to 4 or more of questions “16-20″:16-20题:有4项或以上符合情况:
                【Sympathy or family love】同情型或亲情型爱情
                You are a nice person. Perhaps you usually get stuck with mommy’s boys or daddy’s girls, and confused falling in a love relationship with being kind to others.你很善良,或许总是喜欢上乖乖男或乖乖女,爱上一个人后会不自觉地对他/她好。
                You answered YES to 16 or more with an overall balance:所有题目:有16项或以上符合情况:
                【First-class “love”】完美爱情
                Congratulations! You must love him so much that his/her faults are precious to you. This first-class “love” forgives selfishness and needs. Go and approach him/her!恭喜你!你一定非常爱对方,连对方的缺点在你眼里都非常可爱。这种爱情能包容自私和索求。请积极交往吧!
                “Love” comes in different forms. There are instances where you seem to like someone but in fact you actually like yourself. At times, such feeling might be too strong and ruin the other. The feeling of love does not go well either too light or too heavy. A balanced “love” might be an eternal theme.爱情有很多种形式。有时候,你觉得自己喜欢上了某个人,但事实上你喜欢的只是自己;有时候,爱慕的情绪如此炽热,甚至会伤害到对方。爱的感受不该过于冷淡或浓烈,平衡的爱情才是永恒的主题。
                In the test of the biases of “love”, which type did you fall under?在上面这个爱情小测验中,你属于哪种类型呢?

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