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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        There are many ways to say to your boyfriend “I love you and I am here for you” but there is a difference between saying it and showing that you truly love the person. It is through supporting him when he is in pain and hurt that lets him know that you are there.对你的男朋友说“我爱你,我一直都在你身边”有许多方式,但把爱挂在嘴上和展现你对这个人的真爱是有区别的。要通过在他痛苦受伤时对他的支持让他明白,你一直都在。
        To support your boyfriend one must look for ways to make him see that you are sincere:想要支持你的男朋友,你必须寻找一些方式,让他看见你的诚意:
        When you love a person you must show that you are there for them whatever is happening in their lives, may it be family problems, at work or something else arises. They also need our help even if they look strong all the times. Men usually try to hide away their problems and stress and seldom speak it out openly. You need to make him feel enough comfortable to let him pour his heart out. Have the instinct to sense that they have something in mind.当你爱一个人时,你必须向他表明,不管他的生活中发生什么,也许是家庭问题、工作问题或别的问题,你都在他身边。即使他们看上去总是很坚强,他们也需要我们的帮助。男人常常试图掩盖他们的问题和压力,很少会坦然地说出来。你需要让他感到足够舒服,好让他倾吐心声。你需要具备这种直觉,可以感知他们头脑中所想。
        Be ready to listen to their heartaches when they talk to you about their frustrations or problems. They need to feel that you care but do not let them feel that you are trying to switch on a topic to avoid their confessions to you. The body language means a lot to some guys, be wary that they will be secretive again as they usually are. To pay attention to them there might be a room for more lessons to be learned about him and how he feels.当他们向你倾诉自己遇到的挫折和问题时,做好准备聆听他们的心痛。他们需要感受到你的关心,但不要让他们觉得你正在试图转换话题以回避他们的倾诉。对一些男人来说肢体语言很重要,所以要小心,否则他们又会像以往那样对问题遮遮掩掩。想要注意到这些,还要多积累一些对于他和他的感受的经验。
        Show that you love them by little things such as hugs, smiles, tapping on shoulders, listening attentively to what they tell you. Supporting them will be a greatest factor to say you have affection for them and they will just love it. 通过一些小举动表现你对他们的爱,比如说拥抱、微笑,轻拍肩膀,仔细聆听他们对你讲的话。支持他们是对他们说你爱他们的最主要因素,他们也会喜欢这样。



        Respect your boyfriend尊重你的男朋友
        this is one way to give them a sense of self esteem to become more matured in doing their ways. Let them return back the favor to you so you will know that they really love you and you mean something for them.尊重你的男朋友。这是让他们获得自尊的一种方式,让他们在以自己的方式获得自尊时变得更加成熟。让他们回报给你同样的尊重,这样你会知道他们真的爱你,你对他们来说意味着很多。
        Love them爱他们
        one thing to show that you support him is to love him in spite of his imperfections. This is the only thing that will make him feel successful and forget his imperfections展现你对他的支持的重要一点是:尽管他有不完美之处,但你依然爱他。只有这样才能让他感到成功并且忘记自己的不完美。
        Encourage them to talk as often.鼓励他们尽可能多地和你交谈
        Communications should not be an obstacle between the two of you. Man are oftentimes shy whether you may not notice that at all with them but there is some discouragement that houses in them. Don’t talk when he does not want to. This will test that you understand him and will lead him to love you more for it.鼓励他们尽可能多地和你交谈。沟通不应该成为你们二人之间的障碍。男人总是容易害羞,不管你是否发现了这一点,他们的确是这样,有时他们还会有一些挫败感。如果他不想说话,就别勉强。这是在考验你对他的理解,会让他更加爱你。

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