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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Girls are not easy to comprehend or handle.女生让人琢磨不透,也难以对付。
        While mood swings and unpredictable behaviour are common traits of women, there are a handful who add unreasonable difficulty in managing them. If you are in a relationship with one such woman, then you need to hold your ground and learn how to tactfully handle her and the situation.情绪波动和行为率性已经是女性众所周知的特点,而有些女性简直不可理喻、难以对付。如果你恰好在跟这样的女性交往,那你可得稳住立场,懂得怎样机智地制服她以便控制形势。
        1. Don’t compromise 绝不妥协
        A difficult girlfriend can jeopardise your relationship and also your sense of self. So as to ensure she doesn’t harm your mental health in any way, you must learn to hold your ground and not over compromise.野蛮女友不仅不利于你俩的关系,还会危及你的自我意识。为了防止她危害你的心理健康,你必须懂得坚定立场、绝不妥协。
        2. Draw boundaries 划清界限
        Having well defined boundaries will also help in handling the situation. Have a clear sense of what behaviour is acceptable and what is not. If she oversteps, then it falls on you to get her back on track. You can do this in a gentle yet strict manner; you don’t have to get aggressive or violent.界限分明也有利于控制形势。你要清楚哪些行为可以接受,哪些则不可以。如果她不规矩,你就有责任帮她恢复常态。你可以温和而严肃地处理此事,这样就不会显得粗暴无礼了。
        3. Communicate 沟通交流
        Maybe she is behaving difficult because she is insecure or she isn’t happy with something in the relationship. If she doesn’t initiate conversation, you should. Ask her what is wrong and why she is behaving the way she is. Communicating and talking over things can help salvage the situation.有时候女友表现野蛮或许只是因为她没有安全感,或许是对你俩的关系不甚满意。如果她没提出要谈一谈,那你就有责任这么做。问问她到底怎么了,为什么要这样做。交流谈心有利于解开症结。
        4. Patience 耐心
        Sometimes, what action cannot achieve, patience can. The key to a successful relationship is patience and you must make it a point to practise some.有时候,行动倒不如等待。耐心是一段好关系的关键,你必须引以重视并时常践行。
        5. Spiritual guiding 精神开悟
        Perhaps what you need to get through a difficult relationship is some spiritual intervention. Seek the blessings and guidance of a higher authority and they might just show you the right path.有时候要对付不良关系就得给她“洗脑”。向长辈寻求开导和指引吧,或许你能茅塞顿开。
        6. Seek help 寻求帮助
        There is no shame in seeking professional help. Go for couple counseling sessions and work through your problems with the assistance of a professional. This might really help save your relationship and will help her understand how she needs to take it down a notch.寻求专业帮助没什么好丢脸的。找个婚姻咨询所,通过专业人员的帮助解决你俩的问题。他们或许真能拯救你俩的关系,让你女友懂得怎样放低姿态。
        7. Ignore/call it off 视而不见/结束关系
        If the situation gets unreasonable and the girlfriend, too demanding, it is best to ignore the whole thing. If that doesn’t work, then it is time to call it off.如果形势无法控制,而女友又太吹毛求疵,你最好还是视而不见吧。如果这还不管用,那是时候说再见了。

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