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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Romantic relationships can be the most wonderful part about your life, but they can also be the worst. What are some things you can do in your relationship to move it towards the “wonderful” spectrum?浪漫的爱情莫过于是生活中最精彩的一部分,但也可能会是最糟糕的。想要感情达到完美的状态,我们就一起看看下面情侣间可以做的事情吧。
        1. Talk about your day谈论关于自己的一天
        In any relationship, sharing every day experiences can help both sides. The person sharing can get any frustrations or thoughts off of his/her chest and the listener gets to know more about the other person.在任何关系里,分享每天的经历对双方都有好处。分享的那个人能把心中的郁闷和想法释放出来,另一个则能更好的了解对方。
        2. Play together在一起玩
        One important thing you can do in your relationship is to have fun and be silly together. Find a sitcom you both enjoy or Google jokes to tell each other. We’ve all heard that the best medicine is laughter, right? You can also break out the board games and a bottle of wine for a night of playful competition.情侣关系中一件重要的事情在于你们可以一起玩乐一起做些傻事。找一个大家都喜欢的情景喜剧或者网络笑话一起乐乐吧。我们都听过一句话,笑容是最好的治愈良药,对吧?你还可以和对方一起喝点啤酒,来一场桌游,度过一个欢乐竞争的美好夜晚。
        3. Make food together一起做饭
        Whether it’s cooking dinner or whipping up homemade chocolate chip cookies, food brings people together. You not only get to spend time together in the kitchen, but you also get to revel in the success of your dish and enjoy a meal together.无论是烧饭还是手工做些巧克力饼干,食物可以把吃货们捆绑在一起。你们不仅在厨房共度时光,还能做出美食,一起吃一顿美餐。
        4. Define boundaries设定界限
        Whether you’ve been together five days, five weeks or five years, you might not be on the same page all of the time. You need to let the other person know what is and is not okay in regards to the relationship. This knowledge will allow you both to feel more relaxed, safe and comfortable.无论你们在一起五天、五周还是五年,你都不可能时时刻刻和他想到一块儿去。你需要让另外一个人知道,在这段感情中什么是可以做的什么是不可以做的。这样你们俩人都会感到轻松、安全和舒服。
        5. Be honest诚实点
        Nothing hurts a relationship like a lie. It might not even be a huge deal, but the deception alone breaks trust that can be hard to recover. If you are feeling guilty about something, however small, it might be best to confess right away to ensure it doesn’t come up later.没有什么比谎言更能打败爱情的了。也许不是什么大事,但欺骗本身就会破坏信任,再难修复。如果你对什么有一种负罪感,无论多小,也许解决它的最好方式就是去承认,只要敢于承认,怎么都不算晚。
        6. Snuggle依偎
        Physical touch is so important to feel connected with your partner. Grab some popcorn and your favorite, movie and hunker down for a cozy night together.身体的接触对于两个人之间的亲密感也非常重要。一份爆米花,一部你最爱的电影,两个人舒舒服服的度过温馨的夜晚吧。
        7. Text good morning or good night发短信祝早安或晚安
        Starting and/or ending the day showing your love you are thinking of him/her can help strengthen your relationship.开始/结束一天,不妨发个短信给她来表示你会想到她吧,有利于增强你们的关系。
        8. Encourage each other互相鼓励
        Whether your loved one is in school or working a job, he/she needs to know you support what he/she does! Surprise your special someone a note of encouragement.无论你爱的人是学生还是已经工作,他/她都需要你支持他/她做的每一件事情。给爱人留一个鼓励的便条,给他/她点特别的惊喜吧。
        9. Hang out together in a group一群人出去玩
        Spending time as a couple is important, but it’s also important to see your partner interact with other people. You will likely remember why you fell for this person in the first place.二人世界固然重要,但也别忘了去和朋友接触交流。你也许记起在感情的最初,你为什么会爱上这个人。
        10. Sweat together一起流汗
        Being physically fit is important as it is, but those who are in romantic relationships tend to ditch the gym in favor of spending time with his/her loved one. Why not combine together time and gym time? Most individuals find it attractive to see their partner break a sweat!身体健康是非常重要的,但有伴侣的不妨和爱人一起选择在健身房共度时光吧。为什么不一起去健身呢?大部分人都觉得伴侣在大汗淋漓的时候最有魅力呢!
        11. Be willing to compromise愿意妥协
        You might not always see eye to eye in your relationship; after all, you are two different people! The key is to be understanding of the other person’s ideals and when possible, meet halfway. This does not mean you have to give up everything you believe in, however it also means that you might not get your way every time. Accepting this balance is key in a healthy partnership.在这段感情你可能不会一直跟对方意见完全一致,毕竟你们是不一样的个体。关键在于要去了解对方的想法,合适的时候,需要大家各自退让。这不意味着你要放弃自己所坚信的所有东西,而是说你没必要一味的去坚持自己的做派。要想关系健康发展,就要平衡好这一切。
        12. Compliment each other赞美对方
        There is plenty of pressure from the outside world to be perfect—the perfect body, the perfect disposition, to be the most successful. A romantic relationship should be a safe place, so reassure your partner that he/she is attractive, loveable, and accomplished.外界环境有太多的压力,我们都想做到最好——最好的身体,最好的性情,来达到最成功的的状态。而一个浪漫的爱情关系应该是温馨的港湾,所以不妨夸夸另一半是多么的有魅力、多么可爱以及成功吧。
        13. Travel together一起旅游
        Exploring a new location, soaking up the sun, and trying new restaurants can help you further the bond of your relationship. If you travel via car to said destination, there is bound to be lots of conversations. You will surely get to know each other much better.去一个新的地方探险,沐浴在阳光下,尝试一家新饭店,这些都能增进你们之间的感情。如果你是自驾去目的地,那么沿途可以一直说话。你们就可以更多了解对方啦。
        14. Be willing to work愿意区域努力
        The final is a must. Relationships can be fun, but you also may encounter rough times. You must work through this to make your bond deeper and come out the other side stronger and happier than ever.最后一点至关重要。关系可以是轻松愉快的,但也可能会遇到艰难期。你必须熬过这些来加深感情,从外面加固它,这样才能一直开心下去。
        There might not be as much stress if you are not in a romantic relationship, but you certainly will not find the benefits of truly sharing life and love with someone if you don’t take the plunge!如果不是在甜蜜恋爱中,也许不会带来太大的压力,但如果你不采取策略,就肯定无法领会好的感情所带来的生活和爱啦。

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