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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        We hold love in our hearts rather than our hands, and we see it only when we give it to another. Simple, heartfelt gestures are the best way to offer the gift of love.爱是开在心中的花朵,只有当我们把它献给对方的时候,才能看见它的笑容。最好的礼物是用心准备的礼物。
        Things You'll Need 你需要这些:
        CD Players CD机 Answering Machines  答录机 Printers 打印机 Candles 蜡烛
        Flowers 花 Picnic Basket 野餐篮 Wrapping Paper 包装纸 Hershey's Kisses Candy 好时巧克力
        Sparkling Waters 苏打水 Breakfast Tray 早餐盘 Romantic Music 浪漫的音乐
        Construction Paper 彩色卡纸  Stationery 文具 Computers 电脑 Balloons  气球
        Show Her You Love Her 向她表示你的爱
        Leave a note on her pillow, a note on her dressing table mirror, a note on the breakfast table, and a note on her car's steering wheel.在她的枕头、梳妆镜、早餐桌、汽车的方向盘上统统留下爱的小便条。
        Find a classic love poem and write it on the bathroom mirror.找一首经典的情诗,写在浴室的镜子上。
        Bring her breakfast in bed - with a love note on the tray.为她准备床上的早餐—别忘了在餐盘上留下爱的小便条。
        Draw a heart on her makeup mirror.在她的化妆镜上画颗爱心。
        Use a can of water-soluble, non-toxic aerosol paint to write a message of love on the grass in your yard.使用水溶无毒的油漆喷雾在院子的玻璃上写下绵绵的情话。
        Call her favorite radio station and request a romantic song during the time she drives to home.打电话给她最爱的之声,并在她开车回家的时候点播一首浪漫的歌。
        Change the welcome message on your answering machine to an expression of love.把答录机上的欢迎词变成真爱的流露。
        Show up at her workplace, meet her as she takes her break, and whisk her away to a lovely park. Have a picnic lunch, complete with candle and rose.在她休息的时候,出现在她的公司,带她去一个美丽的小公园,享受一顿带烛光与玫瑰的浪漫野餐。
        Write her a long letter, one in which you recall the most emotional parts of your romantic history.为她写一首长诗,回忆爱情路上最感人的瞬间。
        Print out "I Love You" posters on your computer, put them on your garage door and on light posts around the neighborhood.制作“我爱你”的海报,张贴在车库的门上以及社区的灯柱上。
        Ask her to watch the sunset with you - and promise her your love will burn longer than the sun.带她去看夕阳—告诉她你的爱将比太阳更长久。
        Open the windows, put her favorite romantic song on the CD player, and invite her to dance under the stars.打开窗,播放她最爱的歌曲,与她一起在繁星下起舞。



        Show Him the Romantic Flame Still Burns告诉他: 爱的火焰仍在燃烧
        Put a note on the bathroom mirror promising to share an afternoon delight.在浴室的镜子上贴上一张便条,承诺共度一个浪漫的午后。
        Fill his car with balloons, each with an "I Love You" message inside.在他的车里装满气球,每一个气球里都有一张“我爱你”的纸条。
        Find his car at work and leave a note on the steering wheel suggesting a romantic rendezvous. Meet him with drinks and snacks and a love note.在他工作的时候,找到他的车,在方向盘上留下便条,提议来个浪漫的约会。 约会的时候准备好饮料、点心还有爱的便条。
        Meet him after work wearing your sexiest outfit and tempt him away to lover's lane. Carry along a bottle of sparkling water and a basket of canapés.穿上你最性感的衣服,在他下班后,与他一起漫步情人小径。 带上一瓶苏打水和一篮开胃吐司。
        Leave him a series of notes to follow so that you meet in a romantic place.留下一系列的便条,让他跟寻上面的指示,与你相会浪漫之地。
        Leave a trail of paper hearts, each with a loving message, from the front door to the bedroom for him to find as he comes home from work.他下班回家的时候, 在前门到卧室的地板上贴上一串纸做的爱心,每个爱心上都写有爱的蜜语。
        Cook his favorite dinner and serve it by candlelight.为他准备他最爱的菜肴和烛光晚餐。
        Wrap up your prettiest negligee in a fancy package, complete with a note that promises a romantic evening.将你最漂亮的便服用精致的包装纸包好,附上便条承诺一个浪漫的夜晚。
        Or decorate your bedroom in a theme - tropical island, old West, ancient castle - that appeals to his interests.或者是根据他的兴趣把你们的卧室装饰成不同的主题—热带岛屿,西部时代,古代城堡。
        Scatter Hershey's Chocolate Kisses all over the bed.在床上撒满好时的巧克力。
        Tips & Warnings小贴士
        Men should remember that children's needs can distract a woman. Make sure you've arranged for the children to be fed, bathed and entertained before embarking on a romantic evening at home.男生们应该注意,孩子们会使女生分心。所以在开始你们的浪漫之夜之前,请确保孩子们吃好,洗好,玩好。

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