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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        If he likes you, but is not telling you directly, there might be ways in which he is conveying this to you non verbally. The way he conducts himself in your presence, talks or even behaves with other people, are signs that he likes you. There are physical signs of confirming your apprehension. Here are 6 body language signs which indicate that he likes you.如果他喜欢你,却没有直接表白,不用担心,总会有其他非语言的方式能传达爱意。他在你面前的表现,甚至和其他人的谈话、行为都会包含喜欢你的信号。下面这些身体信号就暗示着他喜欢你哦。
        1. Eye contact眼神交流
        Whenever you talk to him, his gaze softens. He obviously finds you beautiful so he looks at the way your hair falls, admires what you’re wearing and even looks at your eyes and lips. Sometimes, if he is caught looking at you stealthily, he will suddenly look away. His eyes will search you when you’re not around.每次和他说话,他的眼神都很温柔。情人眼里出西施,他会很明显地盯着你的秀发看,会欣赏你的穿着打扮甚至看着你的眼睛和嘴唇。有时如果他的偷看被你发现,就会马上转换视线。你不在时,他的眼睛会到处找你。
        2. Lowers his voice压低嗓音
        When he talks to you, there is an initial need to present himself in the best possible light. He won’t raise his voice even to other people. He will speak gently and softly. He won’t always address you by your name.和你说话时,他总会想着表现自己最好的一面。甚至和其他人交谈也不会提高分贝,真是既绅士又温柔,当然他也不会直呼你的名字。
        3. Acts consciously小心行事
        Whenever you are around, he is very conscious of your presence. He looks at you frequently, looks for your approval, listens to you more than anyone else; he makes sure that you are always impressed with him.你在周围时,他会十分在意你的存在。不时的看看你,想得到你的肯定,当你的忠实听众,确认你对他已经有印象了。
        4. Indications of being nervous表现紧张
        Sometimes he looks shy, turns away, and fidgets with his fingers. Under the assumption that you are already friends, he feels very nervous to ask you out. When you have dinner or lunch with him, he acts as though you are on a date. He tries to make you feel comfortable.有时他看起来很害羞,转过身去,不安的玩弄着手指。即使你们已经是朋友,但约你出来仍会让他万分紧张。共进晚餐或午餐时,他会表现得如同情侣约会般郑重,也尽量让你觉得自在。
        5. Finding ways to be around找机会陪你
        When you’re unwell, he comes to visit you first thing, brings chicken soup, and looks after your needs. Even if you need to go somewhere, he makes sure he is around to see you. He will try to stay around you and make sure that you know he cares.你不舒服时,他会第一时间带着鸡汤来看望你,照顾你。即使是你需要去哪里,他也要确保能在附近照看着。他会一直陪在你身边,让你能感受到他的关怀。
        6. He smiles when he sees you.一见你就笑
        His face lights up as soon as he sees you, especially after many days. He just can’t look away from you. Sometimes you might catch him smiling without any reason.一看你他整张脸都亮了,尤其是分别数日的情况下。他的眼光就是无法从你身上挪开,有时还会发现他对着你傻笑呢。

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