Amateur filmmaker Tatia Pilieva has captured that most transient of human interactions on YouTube - the first kiss - in a touching video that reveals the wave of nerves and laughter it seems to bring us.业余电影制作人Tatia Pilieva 用一个动人的YouTube视频捕获了短暂的人际互动:初吻。短片揭露了陌生人间的初吻带来的阵阵紧张和笑声。
Strangers were paired off and given no instruction other than to lock lips, with the seconds proceeding the kiss proving as interesting as the kiss itself.这些陌生人两两配对后,没有任何别的指令,就是要求他们接吻。事实证明,亲吻的几秒钟就和这些吻本身一样有趣。
"We're going to kiss," one volunteer tells her partner, who replies with a look of eagerness/trepidation/panic: "I know!"一个志愿者对她的小伙伴说:“我们就要亲吻了!” 对方回应:“我知道!”,对方的表情有急切、害怕也有恐慌。
"You have nice eyes," another offers to fill the silence, to the response: "Thank you, so do you" and much awkward laughter.另一位志愿者是这么打破沉默的:“你的眼睛真漂亮。” 对方回应:“谢谢,你也是”,接着就尴尬地笑了。
Many volunteers repeatedly ask whether the camera is rolling and whether they should just go for it, psyching themselves up for the matter at hand.许多志愿者在为即将到来的亲吻做心理建设。他们不停地问摄影开始了没,他们是不是应该直接上前亲吻。
The video seems to have had a medicinal effect on viewers, many of whom said it had "made their morning".这个视频似乎对观看者来说有着神奇的效果。许多人说这个视频“给了他们一个愉快的早晨”。
"A fruit salad of emotions! A little funny, awkward and touching," one wrote, with another adding: "I love videos that show such vulnerable true human emotion."一个人评论:“好多情感夹杂啊!有点好玩、有点尴尬又触动人心。” 另一个人接着评论:“我太爱这种展示微妙的人类情感的视频。” |