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男人对女人的十大经典抱怨 大家都怎么看?









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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        The list of common universal complaints that most men are likely to have about women can be hilarious and fun to read. Take a look at the list below and ask your man if he thinks about you the same way.大部分男人对女人的抱怨听起来既好笑又有趣。读读下面列出的男人对女人的抱怨,然后再看看你那位是不是也这样抱怨过你吧。
        1. Women can never get bored of shopping女人对购物总是乐此不疲
        Every man in the world is likely to think that women are addicted to shopping. Men simply can’t seem to understand the meaning behind retail therapy or window shopping. They feel annoyed and frustrated because women like sampling and trying out a handful of clothes or accessories even if they are not going to buy them.几乎世上所有男人都会觉得女人是购物狂。他们搞不懂购物疗法或逛街有什么意义。就算不买,女人也总喜欢试用或试穿一堆衣服配饰,男人对此感到很恼火很头大。
        2. Women spend money way too impulsively女人花钱太冲动
        Men don’t like the fact that women succumb to their whims and shell out money to buy anything that catches their fancy. Men wonder why women wouldn’t question whether they really need that thing or if that thing has any use, before they reach for their purses.男人讨厌女人总是突发奇想买些花里胡哨的东西。男人不明白,为什么女人掏腰包前,就不想想自己是不是真的需要或者东西到底有没有用?
        3. Women can be too demanding on men even when they are tired, have a headache or have just come back from work女人有时对男人太苛求——哪怕男人很累、头痛或刚刚下班
        One of men’s common complaints about women is that they can be emotionally draining on them sometimes. Men may not understand why women keep talking about problems and other silly things even when men show no interest in listening to their banter.男人对女人最常见的一个抱怨就是,女人有时会把男人当作“情感垃圾桶”。男人不明白,为什么女人总要喋喋不休讲些烦恼蠢事,哪怕男人根本就没兴趣去听她们取闹。
        4. Women spend too much time getting ready女人花太长时间打扮
        For most men it is a universal truth that women spend loads of time getting ready in front of the mirror, whether it is for a date, an important event at work, a social do or even a funeral. Since all men need to do is wear a fresh shirt, gel their hair and apply generous doses of deodorant, they tend to think that women take up way too much time dressing up.男人都知道,女人总喜欢在镜子前花很长时间打扮——不管是一次约会、一个重要的工作场合还是一场聚会,哪怕是参加葬礼,女人都要打扮一番。对男人来说,一件干净的衬衫、喷点发胶和香水就搞定了嘛,女人打扮起来真费时间!
        5. Women are too stuck up with the cleanliness of the house女人总是要屋子整洁有序
        Men wouldn’t mind wearing used socks or keep a wet towel on their bed. But these habits can be a big annoyance for any woman. Men are commonly seen complaining about women’s obsession with cleaning, organizing and categorizing.男人一点也不介意穿脏袜子或把湿毛巾扔床上。但女人绝对无法容忍这类“恶习”。所以呢,男人总是在抱怨女人的洁癖和井井有条。
        6. Women take the longest of time to make the silliest of decisions女人花很长的时间做很蠢的决定
        Men tend to think that women are very whimsical with decision making. On one hand, they may instantly decide never to talk to their best friend. On the other hand, they may take a few hours to decide which lipstick shade they should buy.男人普遍认为女人在做决定时非常异想天开、反复无常。有时候,她们会立马发誓永远不再跟闺蜜讲话;有时候,她们又花上几个小时讨论该用哪款唇膏。
        7. Women start nagging, especially after marriage结婚后女人变得唠叨不停
        Men feel annoyed when the women in their life start nagging them whether it is their mother, sister, girlfriend, aunt or wife. Many men are even afraid that their girlfriend may turn into a full time nagger after marriage. Women may have a compulsive nature of constantly giving instructions and men seem to hate this.男人特别讨厌身边的女人唠叨他们——老妈啦、姐妹啦、阿姨啦、女友或老婆等等。很多男人特怕女朋友结婚后变成“全职唠叨狂人”。大概女人天生就有点“好为人师”吧,但男人特讨厌这点。
        8. Women read into things too much女人总是想太多
        Men are wired differently from women and they understand things better when they are direct and straightforward. They can be left baffled when women expect them to understand things that are not said or read between the lines. Men hate the fact that women read too much into things and deliberately create complications even when there is nothing to worry about.男人跟女人不同,他们喜欢简单直白地看问题。要是女人让他们琢磨沉默背后或字里行间潜藏的意思,那他们可要抓狂了。男人讨厌女人总是想太多,故意无中生有、莫名忧愁。
        9. Sometimes women take undue advantage of being female有时女人会利用性别优势
        Men may not say this explicitly but they may not like the fact that women are given a special advantage because of their gender. Women being offered seats in a packed bus, a drop off to wherever they need to go or a favor from their boss are the kind of things that men hold their grudges against.男人可能不会挑明,但确实讨厌女人因为性别身份而受到特殊照顾。挤公交时给女人让座、不能拒绝女人搭便车或公司要照顾女职员等等,其实都让男人心不甘情不愿。
        10. Women can be very moody女人有时非常情绪化
        A common complaint that men are known to have about women is regarding their unpredictable moods. Men may get annoyed with the fact that one moment, women are sunny and cheery and the other moment all hell could break loose.男人对女人另一个常见的抱怨就是——女人的情绪太难琢磨了!她们一会儿阳光活力,一眨眼又大发脾气、天下大乱了!男人真心受不了哇!

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