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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        If you reach for a biscuit or a chocolate bar when you're a bit fed up, you're not alone. 如果你在工作中感到有些疲乏,伸手去拿饼干或者巧克力块,你不是一个人。
        Workers who are having a bad day at the office are more likely to devour lardy lunches and junk food, according to a new survey.根据一项新调查显示,当员工在办公室里度过了郁闷的一天,他们狼吞虎咽油腻午餐和垃圾食品的可能性会更高。
        Comparably, workers with a positive approach to their job pick up healthy lunches like salads and low calorie sandwiches.相对而言,那些在工作中心态积极的职员在午餐时则会选择健康的食物,比如沙拉和低热量的三明治。
        More than three quarters (77 per cent) of the 2,000 workers surveyed, said their mood in the office 'definitely' impacted on the food they eat at lunch time.在参与调查的2000名公司职员中,有超过3/4(77%)声称,他们在办公室里的心情对午餐时选择的食物有“明显”的影响。
        Half claim they always opt for a super healthy lunch on days their mood is happy and upbeat.一半的员工声称,在他们心情愉悦积极的日子里,他们总是选择非常健康的午餐。



        However, as soon as they were having a rough day, more than half (54 per cent) abandoned plans to eat healthy lunches like sushi and salads in favour of burgers, curries and pizza.但是,一旦他们一天的工作很糟糕,超过一半(54%)的员工都会抛弃原有的健康午餐的计划,倾向于选择汉堡,咖喱饭和披萨,而不是寿司和沙拉。
        A bad day in the office was by far the most popular excuse for comfort eating, with 72 per cent of adults admitting they do this.工作不开心是目前人们最常用的借口,人们以此为自己的安慰性进食开脱,有72%的成年人都承认他们会这样做。
        Roughly four meals a week are selected on the basis of the mood we are in, the poll found.调查发现,平均每周会有四顿饭,我们会根据自己当时的心情决定自己吃什么。
        The typical worker will scoff on fast-food at their desk 38 times in an average year because they are in a foul mood, with 45 per cent claiming the worse their mood, the more indulgent their food choice.典型的状况是,一名公司员工平均一年会有38次时间,因为自己心情不好而在餐桌前对垃圾食品大快朵颐。45%的人称,他们的心情越糟糕,他们在食物的选择上就越自我放纵。
        Fortunately, 45 per cent of those quizzed said their typical weekday lunch is 'quite fresh', but 30 per cent described their work lunches as 'fatty' and 'greasy'.还有,有45%的受访者称他们在工作日的午餐一般“很健康”,不过也有30%的人称他们在工作日的午餐“荤腥”、“油腻”。
        The survey showed that reaching for fatty foods is not only bad for our waistlines, but our bank balances too – with the typical worker forking out £221.76 a year on junk food to improve their mood.研究显示,选择油腻的食物不仅对我们的身体曲线无益,对我们的收支平衡也没有好处——为了改善自己的心情,典型的公司员工一年要在垃圾食品上花费221.76英镑。
        Not only do workers admit to eating poor quality food, 47 per cent said they rush their food down if they are having a busy or stressful day.员工们不仅承认自己的饮食不够健康,还有47%的人承认,当他们工作繁忙或者压力过大时,他们就会囫囵吞枣、草草了事。
        The average person said they consumed their lunch in just six minutes with an average three meals per week eaten at desks.员工们一般只花6分钟的时间吃午饭,平均每周有三顿饭是在办公桌前吃的。

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