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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        A woman has put her life on hold and travelled 3,755 miles from Canada to London to re-create her grandmother's daily life during World War II, outlined in old love letters.一位女孩搁置自己的人生,按照祖父母陈旧的情书中描述,从加拿大到伦敦旅行3755英里,只为去重温二战中祖母的日常生活。
        Carly Butler, 28, will follow in the footsteps of her late grandmother Irene Wiebe during the time she was separated from her husband, Carly's grandfather Nick.卡莉-巴特勒今年28岁,她决定跟随已故祖母艾琳-韦伯的足迹,二战期间,卡莉的祖母和祖父尼克因战争而分离。
        Carly was inspired to move from Windsor, Canada, to London's Willesden Green after uncovering a pile of 104 letters and telegrams sent across the Atlantic between English Irene and Canadian soldier Nick.卡莉是在拆开104封信件和电报后做出的决定,从加拿大的温莎来到伦敦的威尔斯登格林,这些信件和电报穿越大西洋,鸿雁来往于在英国的艾琳和加拿大士兵尼克之间。
        Every week she will open seven new letters which dictates what she will be doing for the forthcoming week, recreating the life her grandmother lived 67 years ago.卡莉每周会打开七封情书,然后在接下来的一周会重现信中的内容,通过这种方式重现67年前祖母的生活。
        Her grandmother Irene from West Hampstead, London, was a 26-year-old newlywed when she penned the letters to her husband after he was drafted back home.祖母艾琳来自伦敦西汉普斯特,在丈夫尼克被征入伍回到加拿大后,这位26岁的新婚妻子就写信给他。



        The couple met at a dance in London in 1943 while Mr Wiebe was on leave, and had known each other for three days when he proposed. After marrying, the couple spent six months apart as Irene, and hundreds of 'war wives' like her, waited to sail across the Atlantic. 1943年,这对夫妻在伦敦的一次舞会上相识,当时尼克在休假。三天后他就向她求婚了。结婚后,他们在一起度过了六个月的时间就分开了,艾琳和数百上千个“战争妻子”一样,等着跨过大西洋与自己的心上人会合。
        Now, 67 years later to the day, bank teller Carly, who has left her own fiance behind in Canada, opens Irene's letters a week at a time and follows them as precisely as she can.67年之后,身为银行出纳的卡莉丢下自己在加拿大的未婚夫,每周都打开七封情书,跟随这些情书游历伦敦,尽量精确地重现信中内容。
        So far, she has visited her grandmother's birthplace in West Hampstead, recreated a day out to Oxford and watched a film at Marble Arch cinema. Miss Butler also plans to see the place where her grandmother, who passed away in 1998, worked dismantling enemy aeroplanes.到目前为止,她已经拜访过祖母的出生地西汉普斯特,利用一天的时间游牛津大学,还在Marble Arch电影院看了部电影。卡莉还打算去祖母工作的地方看看,二战期间艾琳做的是拆除敌机的工作。1998年祖母艾琳过世。
        After the couple were reunited they were happily married for more than 50 years, working together in a post office and had a son and a daughter and several grandchildren before Irene passed away.艾琳和尼克在重逢后在一起幸福地生活了50多年,一起在一家邮局工作,生育了一儿一女,还有孙辈承欢膝下。
        Carly even hopes to journey back to Canada on the Queen Mary II - as Irene did all those years ago on the original RMS Queen Mary.卡莉还希望能够乘坐玛丽女王二世号邮轮返回加拿大,因为很多年前祖母就是乘坐玛丽女王号皇家邮轮到的加拿大。
        Miss Butler estimates that her six-month homage to her grandparents' love is going to cost her more than £13,000. 卡莉估计,这次为期6个月的纪念祖父母爱情旅途的开销会超过1.3万英镑。

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