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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
        In 2010, performance artist Marina Abramovic's retrospective exhibit "The Artist is Present" at New York's MoMa (The Museum of Modern Art) spanned over four decades of her prolific career.2010年,行为艺术家玛丽娜·阿伯拉莫维奇在纽约的纽约现代艺术博物馆举行回顾展览“艺术即是当下”,展出她四十年多产的职业生涯中的作品。
        She also staged an original work, a solo piece during which she sat in a chair at a table, facing museum visitors in silence.她也在展览上表演了这次原创的作品:坐在一张桌前的椅子上,静默地面对着参观者们。
        "Essentially, it’s a solo version of 'Nightsea Crossing,'" the New York Times described, comparing the piece with a duo piece she once performed with her fellow artist and one-time lover Ulay, "with Ms. Abramovic sitting silent at a table in the museum’s atrium, facing an empty chair."纽约时报称,“这是是作品《凝视》的单人表演版本,”。之前她曾和艺术家、同时也是她从前的爱人乌莱一起表演过这个行为艺术作品。“这次表演是阿伯拉莫维奇女士一人静静坐在桌前,面对博物馆中庭一张无人就座的椅子。”
        She’s scheduled to sit there all day, every day, during museum hours, for the run of her show. The museum estimates that, if she can stick to the plan, she will sit for 716 hours and 30 minutes, earning her a record for endurance in the performance art sweepstakes."在她的展览举行期间,每天在博物馆开馆时间全天坐在桌前,这是她原本的计划。博物馆估计称,按照这个计划进行下去,她将在桌前共静坐716个小时30分钟,打破行为艺术的领域忍耐力的极限。
        As visitors sat in complete silence in the chair opposite her, Abramovic would raise her head and look them in the eye for one minute, bringing some museum-goers to tears.当参观者也静静坐在对面一张椅子上时,阿伯拉莫维奇会抬起头来,注视对方的眼睛,时间长达一分钟,让有些参观者都流下泪来。



        What Abramovic couldn't not have anticipated was that one of those visitors would be the man she once performed with.出乎阿伯拉莫维奇意料的是,这些坐在对面椅子上的参观者之中,有一人正是从前和她一同表演这一行为艺术作品的人:她的爱人乌莱。
        When Ulay showed up, the piece moved the artist to tears — and the room to applause.乌莱的出现让这位艺术家感动得流下了眼泪,也让展厅中的观众间响起了掌声。
        "Marina Abramovic and Ulay started an intense love story in the 70s, performing art out of the van they lived in.“玛丽娜·阿伯拉莫维奇和乌莱在70年代曾有过一段热烈的爱情,当时两人会一同在面包车外表演行为艺术,而那辆面包车就是他们的住处。
        “When they felt the relationship had run its course, they decided to walk the Great Wall of China, each from one end, meeting for one last big hug in the middle and never seeing each other again.当两人感到感情已经走到尽头时,他们决定走上中国长城,两人各从长城的一端开始,在中间相遇,拥抱对方,然后从此再也不见面。
        “In 2010, Marina performed ‘The Artist Is Present,’ a minute of silence with each stranger who sat in front of her. Ulay arrived without her knowing it and this is what happened," commenter HGiskardReventlov wrote on YouTube.“2010年,玛丽娜进行了‘艺术即是当下’的表演,和坐在她对面的陌生人对视一分钟。在她毫不知情的情况下,乌莱来到了,这就是当时发生的事情,” YouTube视频网站用户HGiskardReventlov在视频下评论道。

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