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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        A honeymoon is the perfect chance for the newlywed couple to spend time with each other, away from the stresses of everyday life.能让新婚夫妇每天在一起相处远离日常生活压力,最好方式应该就是去蜜月旅行了。
        But Kat and Steve Turner, have taken that idea and run with it - or ridden with it.但是凯特和史蒂夫·特纳他们的蜜月旅行想法却很奇特,他们是骑自行车去旅行的。
        Rather than taking time out for some post-wedding luxuriating on a beach or at a spa hotel, the couple decided to spend two years in a record-breaking attempt to travel the world on a tandem bicycle, sleeping in a tiny two-man tent.他们并不像其他新婚夫妇一样在婚后选择去那些奢华的海滩或者温泉宾馆,他们决定破纪录地尝试一下,骑双人车花两年的时间游遍全世界。旅途中他们就简单地睡在一个双人帐篷里。



        Incredibly, Kat, 31, had never even ridden a bike more than a few yards before they decided to take on the challenge, which they began in May this year.更难以置信的是,31岁的凯特在他们今年5月开始决定这次挑战之前,从来没有骑过自行车。
        The honeymoon represents an extraordinary and testing celebration of their wedding vows, which they made in August 2011 just eight months before they set off for Christchurch in New Zealand.他们是在2011年的8月举行的婚礼,8个月之后他们决定动身去新西兰的克莱斯特彻奇,这次的蜜月旅行是对他们婚礼宣誓的一个极好的见证和庆祝。
        The intrepid couple gave up well-paid jobs as a teacher and caseworker for the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman before leaving their chickens and cat at their home in Forest Hill, south east London, with friends who will spend the next two years house-sitting.他们之前的工作待遇都很好,一为是老师,另一位是议会和健康服务专员,但这对勇敢的夫妻放弃了工作,离开了在伦敦东南部福里斯特希尔的家,还有那些家乡的朋友们。在接下来的两年里,他们会帮助照看房子。



        Six months and almost 9,000km later they arrived in Darwin, on the northern tip of Australia, having braved arctic temperatures, snow, heavy rain and high winds, followed by searing heat and the mechanical challenges of pushing Hooch, their heavily-laden tandem, to the limit.经过6个月以及9000千米的路程之后,他们到达了位于澳大利亚最北部的达尔文市。在那里,他们熬过了北极的严寒、冰雪、大雨以及寒风,接下来又要面临炎热和机械故障等多重挑战,他们那辆沉重的双人车差点挺不住了。
        Caseworker Kat said: 'The first four months of this trip were so hard. We cycled throughgallons of rain and waves of gales.以前从事社会专员工作的凯特说:“这次旅行的前四个月是最辛苦的。我们经历了多次的暴雨和大风天气。”
        'My feet felt like they were constantly soaked and at times I wanted to give up so much, so that I could enjoy a beer and good company with friends or the warmth of a fire or a Sunday roast at mum’s or a belly-aching laugh with my brother or a family knees-up in Plymouth.“我的脚感觉一直在浸泡在水里,有很多次我都想过要放弃,那样的话我就能喝杯啤酒,和我的朋友在一起。或者享受着火堆的温暖,或者在妈妈那里吃一顿周末的烤肉,再或者可以和我的兄弟一起大笑,也可以在普利茅斯举行一个家庭聚会。”



        'And dare I say it, even working in a dry office felt appealing at times.'“我甚至想说,有时候,能在一个比较干燥的办公室里工作对于我来说都很有吸引力。”
        But completing Australasia represents less than a quarter of the monumental trip and the pair are now in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as part of the start of the marathon Asian leg of their journey, which will take them through Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and into China.但是走遍澳大利亚还不到他们这次旅行计划的四分之一路程。这对夫妇目前又来到了马来西亚的首都吉隆坡,他们打算把这里作为亚洲长途旅行的开始,他们会分别去往印度尼西亚、泰国、老挝、柬埔寨、越南还有中国。
        Once through China, they plan to go into Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and into Turkey, when the European leg of the adventure will start. The couple hope to return to the UK in early 2014, having beaten the previous world record of 38,143kms set by Phil and Louise Shambrook 15 years ago.经过中国之后,他们会去巴基斯坦、伊朗、阿塞拜疆、亚美尼亚、乔治亚,然后去土耳其。接着去欧洲的旅程就这样开始了。他们希望能在2014年初回到英国。这样他们就打破了15年前菲尔和路易斯·山姆布鲁克创下的记录。



        Steve, 33, who taught at South Park Primary School in Ilford said: 'We have found the first months very hard and we haven't had the energy or the contacts to do very much other than cycle, which isn’t exactly a traditional way of enjoying a honeymoon!33岁的史蒂夫以前是伊尔福的南方公园小学的老师,他这样说道:“我们也觉得前面的几个月是最辛苦的,我们除了骑车都没有精力做别的事情了,这显然不同于一般传统的蜜月旅行。”
        'At first, we were also not sure whether we could do what we were planning to do but now that we have completed six months and the Australian Outback we feel much more confident that we can do this.“刚开始,我们也不确定能不能按照计划完成我们想做的,但是现在我们已经骑了6个月,并且走遍了澳洲内陆,我们感觉更有信心完成我们的计划。”
        'If we do, it will be the most amazing achievement. The world record is just something we added in as a fun extra.“如果我们做到了,那将会是一个令人激动的胜利。世界上又多了一项我们创造的有趣记录。”

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