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二战老兵200次逃出集中营 只为与德国女友相会









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发表于 2016-7-28 22:12:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        It is one of the most astonishing love stories of the Second World War. 这是二战期间最令人惊叹的爱情故事之一。
        British soldier Horace Greasley was so besotted with his German sweetheart he would risk death by Nazi firing squad by sneaking out of his prisoner of war camp to see her.英国士兵贺拉斯·格里斯利是如此深爱他的德国女友,所以他甘愿冒着被纳粹行刑队发现的死亡危险,也要溜出战俘营去见她。
        Removing the wooden bars from his cell window before crawling under the wire fence, he defied his ruthless captors by meeting lover Rosa Rauchback more than 200 times. 搬开他牢房窗口的木条,再从铁丝网下爬过,他背着凶残的看守者去见女友罗莎·拉什贝克超过200多次。
        Incredibly, Horace – who was famously photographed coming face-to-face with SS Nazi brute Heinrich Himmler – crept back into the camp under their noses each time.你可能不相信,当时的贺拉斯其实很出名,他曾经与纳粹党卫军里的恐怖人物海因里希·希姆莱面对面见过还拍了照,而他每次都是在党卫军眼鼻子底下偷偷回到军营。
        The confrontation was captured on camera by a German war correspondent and the photo is one of the most iconic of the war. 这个他与希姆莱对抗的场景曾被一个德国战地记者拍了下来,该照片也成为了二战中最具有代表性的照片之一。
        Now his remarkable exploits are being turned into a big Hollywood movie with stars Robert Pattinson and Alex Pettyfer up to play him. 如今他的这段光辉事迹将被拍成一部好莱坞大片,扮演他的男星人选包括《暮光之城》罗伯特·帕丁森和模特亚历克斯·佩蒂弗。
        Horace was captured by Hitler’s forces during the British retreat to Dunkirk in 1940. He first met Rosa at a marble quarry labour camp in Silesia, then part of eastern Germany, where she worked as a translator. 贺拉斯是在1940年英国敦刻尔克撤退时被希特勒的部队抓获的。他第一次见到罗莎是在西里西亚的一个大理石采石场劳动营,那里地处德国的东部,她在那儿担任翻译。



        When he was transferred to a factory prison, Rosa was heartbroken and pursued him – but she had no access to the lock-up.在他被转移到工厂监狱后,罗莎非常伤心,不断寻求他的消息——但她没有办法进入封锁区。
        So night after night Horace, then aged just 21, risked his life by breaking out of his cell to meet his young lover. 于是那时才刚21岁的贺拉斯一夜又一夜地冒着生命危险逃出监狱去见他的情人。
        For two-and-a-half years, he evaded guards to meet Rosa in a chapel – before sneaking back into his cell carrying food for his starving comrades. He only returned to the camp because there was nowhere to run as it was surrounded by Nazi-occupied countries. 整整两年半,他避开守卫在一个小教堂见罗莎,每次逃回以前都会给他饥饿的牢友带食物。他会回到营地,是因为就算逃走也无处可去,周围全是被纳粹军占领的国家。
        Horace, from Ibstock, Leicestershire, was liberated on May 24, 1945, and continued to receive letters from Rosa – by then a translator for the Americans. 贺拉斯来自英国莱斯特郡伊布斯多克地区,他在1945年5月24日被释放,后来他继续收到来自罗莎的信件,那时她在为美国担任翻译工作。
        But the correspondence suddenly stopped and tragically he eventually found out Rosa had died in childbirth not long after he got home. He never knew if the baby was his. 但他们之间的通信突然就断了,他最终了解到悲剧的发生,罗莎在他回家后不久就死于分娩。他永远也无法知晓自己是不是孩子的父亲。



        Horace married wife Brenda and the couple moved to Spain’s Costa Brava, where he died two years ago aged 91. 贺拉斯后来娶了妻子布伦达,夫妻俩搬到了西班牙的布拉瓦海岸,两年前91岁的他在那里去世。
        His amazing story was turned into a book called Do The Birds Still Sing In Hell? – which was ghostwritten by Ken Scott, in 2008. 他的精彩故事被写成了书,名为《地狱的鸟儿是否歌唱》,这本书由作家肯·斯科特于2008年代笔。
        US-based Silverline Productions bought the rights and have hired Mission Impossible III producer Stratton Leopold to bring it to the big screen. Scott is flying to Georgia in the next few weeks for a read-through of the script. 总部在美国的银线电影制造公司购买了版权,并聘请《碟中谍III》的制作人斯特拉·顿利奥波德将这个故事搬上大屏幕。斯科特将在未来几周飞往格鲁吉亚通读剧本。
        He said: “I can say it will be a mix of German and British actors and they are A-listers. As for the director, they are currently choosing between two. Finally people will see Horace’s amazing story on the big screen.” 他说:“我可以说这将是一部聚集德国和英国的大腕明星演员的电影。现在我们有两位导演人选。观众们最终将在大荧幕上看到贺拉斯的精彩故事。”

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