There’s something so romantic about summertime. The warm summer breeze, the smell of flowers and cut grass, the sounds of fun and laughter, summer has a wonderful sense of casual lightness. It’s a great time to get out of the dating rut and dust off your playful side. Whether it’s a first date or a date night with a long-time partner, it’s always fun to try out some new date ideas. Summer offers many dating options that aren’t available at other times of the year…and best of all, many of them won’t break the bank.夏天到处都充满着浪漫的气息:夏季那温暖的和风,那鲜花和草坪修剪过后的味道,还少不了那欢声笑语。夏天就是有一种休闲轻盈的奇妙感觉。夏天也是一个外出约会、重温欢乐的最好时间。无论是你第一次约会或想与交往已久的男(女)朋友共度温馨夜晚,尝试一下新的约会方式,这样会让双方都很开心回味无穷。在夏天,你可以拥有许许多多的约会方式,这是其它季节不能与之相比的。最好的是,这些约会建议还不需要花费过多金钱。
Looking for a romantic summer date idea? Give one of these a try…还在找夏日浪漫的约会建议?那就在下面建议中选一个吧!
1. Outdoor movie - Drive-Ins are making a comeback. Seek out your nearest drive-in and pack the snacks.露天电影——汽车露天影院正在慢慢回归。去找找最近的露天影院,然后扫一堆零食过去边看边吃。
2. Pull up a blanket - No drive-in nearby or just not your thing? That’s ok. Many cities show outdoor films in the park. Don’t forget your blanket and refreshments. Or do it yourself – set up your lounge chairs in your backyard or on your deck, open a bottle of wine and watch a movie on your laptop.准备一张毯子——附近没有露天影院,或是不是你的菜?没关系,那你可以找一些城市里面播放户外电影的公园。别忘了要带毯子和饮料。或者自己做一个户外影院:坐在后院的躺椅或阳台上,开一瓶红酒,把手提电脑放在膝上,然后看电影吧。
3. Bowling is so old school that it’s hip again - Just about everybody has a bowling alley somewhere nearby. It’s a casual, fun date night. Invite some friends and make it a group date. Have a beer or soda and a slice of pizza and unwind while engaging in some friendly competition.古老而又“新颖”的方式:打保龄——几乎每个人的附近都有一家保龄球馆。打保龄会让你的约会之夜即休闲又有趣。可以多叫一些朋友,让这个夜晚变为“情侣团体约会之夜”吧。和朋友们进行保龄比赛的同时,喝瓶啤酒(或苏打水)吃块批萨,是多么舒适啊。
4. Visit the zoo - You don’t have to have young children to enjoy the zoo. Wandering among the animals, taking in their habitats and behavior, even their antics is a great low-key date. Top it off with some popcorn or an ice cream cone and it’s a fantastic date.逛动物园——并不是只有带着小朋友才能去动物园的。其实徜徉在不同动物的围绕中,观察它们的行为习惯,甚至看它们做滑稽动作,也不失为一个即不错又低调的约会。更让人开心的是,逛动物园的同时还吃着爆米花和雪糕,这种约会实在太好了。
5. Take a wine tour - Either join an organized wine tour, where someone else will do the planning and take you from winery to winery to do your sipping or plan your own, grab another couple and a designated driver and let the tasting begin. 红酒之旅——参加一个红酒之旅旅行团,旅行社的人会给你做好安排,带你从一个酿酒厂到另一个酿酒厂,期间你们还可以畅饮葡萄酒。或者你们自己计划安排红酒之旅,另外抓上另一对情侣,找一个专门的司机,那么,红酒畅饮之旅就可以开始了。
6. Go on a dinner cruise - If you live near a body of water (ocean, lake or even some rivers) you can probably find a dinner cruise. Don’t be afraid to mix it up; try a breakfast, lunch, or evening cocktail cruise too. There’s just something so romantic about eating on the water while someone else is in charge of the driving.船上餐会——如果你家附近有大海、湖泊或是小河,那么,你就可以和你的伴侣来一个“船上约会”。不必担心状况会混乱,早餐、午餐甚至一个鸡尾酒小会都能在船上搞定。有专门的船夫掌舵,而你们就可以在水上享受美味和浪漫啦。
7. Live music is everywhere - Summer concerts are a great way to spend a date. Get tickets to a big-ticket concert in the grandstand; enjoy a local concert in the park, or find a local bar or tavern that offers live music.无处不在的现场音乐会——夏季音乐会是一个浪漫约会的好去处。你可以弄看台票去看大型音乐会,或是在公园里欣赏小型音乐会,亦或是在当地的酒吧欣赏乐队的表演。
8. Visit the fair - Be a teenager again. Buy some cotton candy or some terribly unhealthy, but delicious fair treat. Ride the Ferris wheel, roller coaster, or whatever twirling, upside down ride strikes your fancy, (preferably, before you eat your cotton candy.) 参加游园活动——你可以再一次成为小朋友:去买一些棉花糖,或是买一些非常不健康但很美味的小甜品。坐上摩天轮,玩一遍过山车,或是坐上那些让你到处旋转上下颠倒、还弄得你头昏脑胀的游园项目(建议在游玩这些项目前最好别吃棉花糖)。
9. Make a romantic picnic - Pack up your favorite picnic fare and a blanket and off you go. Bring some wine and cheese or pack a themed menu – think Mexican, French, Italian or whatever cuisine suits your mood. Choose a nice spot at the local park, gardens, or by the water. To make it even more fun, try a breakfast or moonlight picnic (be sure to pack the bug spray.)浪漫的野餐——带上你最喜欢吃的食物和毯子,你们就可以出发野餐去了。然后,要带一些红酒和芝士,或者弄一个主题菜谱——可以是墨西哥式、法式、意大利式,合你口味就可以了。你的野餐地点可以选择在当地的公园、花园或是小河旁。如果要让野餐更过瘾,那你们可以尝试早餐或月光下的野餐(要记得带杀虫剂哦)。
10. Get out on the water - Rent a sailboat, rowboat, paddleboat, kayak, or canoe. Grab a pole and go fishing or don your swimsuit and jump in.水上约会活动——你可以租一艘帆船,皮划艇,划艇,皮艇,或独木舟。有了船,你可以划船和钓鱼,或是穿上泳衣潜水去。
11. Play tourist - See your town from a visitor’s perspective. Visit your local tourism office or chamber of commerce for information on events, festivals, and local sights you may never have thought of.游客角色扮演——以一个观光者的角度去看看自己所在的城市。你可以去当地的旅游公司和商会了解一些你从未想过的活动、节日和当地景点的信息。
12. Go camping - Pitch a tent (you can borrow or rent one if you don’t have your own, grab a couple of sleeping bags, pack your food and necessities and sleep under the stars. Being away from the rest of the bustling world allows time to really pay attention and enjoy being with another person.露营——扎好营(如果你没有自己的帐篷,你可以去租一个),拿两个睡袋,将食物和必需品打包起来,之后你就可以睡着看星星了。这样你就可以远离繁华都市,停下来瞩目这个星空,并享受着和你的伴侣一起度过的时间。
13. Outdoor Theater - Attend an outdoor performance or live play. Think Shakespeare in the park or attend an outdoor symphony or music festivals. Theater is so much more fun and relaxed under the canopy of the sky than in a stuffy theater.露天剧场——参加一个露天的现场表演吧。在公园里与莎士比亚同在,或是欣赏那户外交响乐,或是在摇滚节中狂欢。与室内剧场相比,露天剧场乐趣多多,同时能让你在蓝天下更休闲放松。
14. Produce can be romantic - Spend a morning wandering a farmers’ market checking out the fresh local produce or spend the afternoon at a “U-pick” farm picking berries or other delectable, then bring your ingredients home and cook something fabulous with your date.自给自足也是一种浪漫——花一个早上,在农贸市场中淘一些当地的新鲜农产品,或是用一个下午的时间,去一个自助农场中,摘取新鲜的草莓和其它美味的水果,把这些原料带回家和对方精心烹饪吧。
15. Take me out to the ballgame - Visit your local ballpark or stadium. If you’re lucky enough to have a pro or semi-pro team near you, a ball game can be a fun date. Even with a $6 hotdog and $5 soda, it’s still a cheap date. For an even more low-key (and free) option, visit a local ball field and watch local kids (or grown “Kids”) play their hearts out.看球赛——去附近的棒球场和露天运动场。假如你家附近有一支职业的或半职业的球队,那么,看球赛也算是一场不错的约会。即使你看球赛时买了6美元的热狗和5美元的苏打水,这仍然是一个廉价的约会。还有一个更为低廉(甚至免费)的约会选项:去当地的球场,观看小朋友们(或成年的“大孩子们”)用心地玩比赛。
16. Go the natural route - Visit the nearest state park. Pack a picnic. Ride bikes. Go on a hike. Walk the nature trails. Play Frisbee golf. Bird watch. Look for wildlife tracks. Try geocaching. Play photographer.自然观光路线——参观比较近的国家公园。在野外,你可以去野餐、骑自行车、徒步远足、走自然路线、玩飞盘高尔夫、观察鸟类,甚至还能寻找野生动物留下的痕迹,还能寻寻宝,摄影野外风光。
17. Resurrect some old favorite summer activities - Play mini-golf. Go to the batting cage. Race go-karts. Fly kites.重温以前喜爱的夏天活动——打迷你高尔夫,玩笼球,开卡丁车,放风筝。
18. Take a tour - Take a walking tour, a boat tour, a bicycle tour,an architectural tour old buildings or a “gourmet eating” tour.旅游——步行旅游,游船旅游,自行车旅游,古旧建筑旅游,或者来一趟美食之旅也不错。
19. Visit the aquarium - Aquariums aren’t just for kids and field trips. They’re also a great date option. Wander through the tanks, taking in the underwater life, but watch out for the sharks!参观水族馆——水族馆并不仅仅是小孩子玩耍和学生的实习考察之地——它还是一个情侣约会的好去处。在水族箱之间漫步,感受那水下世界,但要小心那到处游荡的鲨鱼啊!
20. Take a mystery trip - Buy or download a map of your region, close your eyes, and randomly choose spots on the map to visit. Plan a day trip or weekend getaway to one or several and explore.来一趟神秘之旅——购买或者下载一份地图,然后闭上眼睛,在地图上随意标记一个地方,之后就去这个地方旅行。为这个地方计划好一天旅行或周末之旅,那么探险开始了。
Grab that someone special, get out there, and enjoy the plentiful dating options that summertime has to offer!找一个特别的伴侣,然后走出去,享受夏天给你们带来的多种多样的约会吧。 |