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发表于 2016-7-28 22:12:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Just separated with Blue, Blue is a very nice girl, beautiful and gentle. Many friends said that I was a fool to let her go. Even though it was hard, I still had to let her go.和蓝分手了,蓝是个很好的女孩,很漂亮也很温柔,虽然很多朋友说我离开她很傻,可我还是放手了,虽然我很舍不得。
        The 1st day第一天
        Using her blanket and covering herself tightly, she didn’t get up. Her dorm mates were afraid to go in and comfort her. She didn’t eat anything the whole day, didn’t wash her face or brush her teeth. At night, I could hear her crying beneath the blanket.她没有起床,把自己用被子捂得严严实实的,她宿舍的人都不敢去安慰她,她一天都没有吃饭,连刷牙洗脸都没有,晚上睡觉的时候我听到她在被子里抽泣。
        The 2nd day第二天
        She ate today, forced down by her roommates. Her eyes were red. I always called her “Cry baby”. She always squirmed her mouth and retorted: “No, I’m not.”今天她吃饭了,是她的舍友强制性让她吃的。她的眼眶红红的,我总说她是个爱哭鬼,她每次都噘着小嘴说她不是。
        The 3rd day第三天
        Today, she dressed very sexy, walked into a bar and drank a lot of alcohol. Using tempting moves, she surveyed the room. Many men came up to her and flirted with her telling her how beautiful she was. She drank a lot more. When a much older man, old enough to be her father, walked up and said: “Miss, let me take you home,” she splashed her drink onto his face. As the older man got ready to slap her, Mu showed up and saved Blue. I know all this because I was watching from a corner in the bar.今天她穿得很妖艳,走进一家酒吧,喝了好多酒,用一种很具诱惑力的眼光环视全场,好多人上来搭腔“小姐,你好漂亮啊。”她喝了很多,当一个年纪可以做她爸爸的男人对她说“小姐,我送你回家吧”的时候她把手中的酒全泼在他的脸上,那个该死的老头扬起他的手掌就要打下去的时候,小睦来了,救了蓝。这一切我都知道,我就在酒吧的一个角落里看着。
        The 4th day第四天
        Today, she got up really early. After busying around all morning, she locked herself inside the bathroom. When her roommates opened the door, they were amazed: “So clean.”今天她早早就起床了,忙忙碌碌了一上午,然后把自己关在浴室里好久,当舍友们踹门进去的时候都惊呼道:“好干净啊!”
        The 5th day第五天
        She began studying. She had done very well in school before. However, when we got together, her grades deteriorated. It is good to focus on something else as it will improve recovery.她开始学习了,其实她原来学习很好,我们开始后受我影响她的成绩也退步了,这也好,转移一下注意力,恢复得也快。
        Three months later三个月后
        She became president of the Student Union. She is becoming more and more able. She also becomes more open. Soon, she will need to prepare for graduate school.她成了学生会主席,越来越能干,也开朗了不少。马上她就要考研了。
        One year later一年后
        There are many men beside her, many who are better than me. She never takes notice of them, but she gets along with Ling very well. There are rumors about them in school. She treats him like an elder brother, but rumor cannot be blocked.在她身边的男生很多,比我优秀的也很多,可她根本没在意过,不过她和凌关系很好,校园里谣传他们的关系很暧昧。她只是把他当哥哥,可是流言是挡不住的。
        Three years later三年后
        She is getting married. The groom is Ling. She is writing wedding invitations. After she wrote one, two, and three … 12th card, she bent over the desk and tears fell down uncontrollably. I stepped forward and saw that on all the invitations, the groom’s name was mine.她要结婚了,新郎是凌,她在写结婚请帖,一张,两张,三张……,写到第十二张的时候她哭了,趴在桌上眼泪完全抑制不住,我上前一看,所有的喜帖上新郎写的都是我的名字。
        I want to cry too, but ghost cannot cry. I do not have any tears.我也很想哭,可是鬼魂是不能哭的,我没有眼泪。
        Three years ago, when I was carrying her birthday cake crossing a street, a car crashed into me.三年前,我横穿马路,遇上车祸,手里提着要给她庆祝生日的蛋糕。

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