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发表于 2016-7-28 22:12:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        1. Stop Shopping停止购物
        Put down the plastic and step away from the cash register! According to the Science of Happiness infographic, consumerism is the biggest obstacle to happiness around the world.放下购物袋,远离收银台!根据幸福指数统计,消费是影响全球幸福感的最大障碍。
        Retail therapy is only a temporary fix to make you happy. You may experience the joy of instant gratification when purchasing something you want, but, as the saying goes, “you can’t buy happiness.” Often times, shopping will lead to buyer’s guilt or jealousy because you can’t afford a certain product.购物疗法只能暂时让你感到开心。当买到渴望的东西时,你可能会获得满足感带来的瞬间快乐,但常言道,“金钱买不来幸福”,很多时候因为买不起某个产品,购物会让消费者心生愧疚或妒忌。
        2. Work Out Often经常锻炼
        Make a mix playlist of your favorite songs and hit the gym. Burning off calories and strengthening your muscles only touches the surface of the benefits of working out. Underneath all of your physical components lie some awesome chemicals called endorphins. When you break a sweat, these endorphins are released, and they bring about a feel-good reaction that promotes happiness. That’s why healthy people are generally 20% happier than the average person.播放器里选一些喜欢的歌曲,然后带上去健身吧。燃烧卡路里和锻炼肌肉仅仅是运动的表面益处,更好的益处藏在你体内那个叫“内啡肽”的神奇化学物质——运动流汗时,人体会释放内啡肽,进而产生刺激幸福感的良好反应。所以健康人的幸福指数要比普通人高20%。
        Ultimately, staying active can naturally cause you to feel more excitement and enthusiasm for daily activities. Adding music and friends to share in the workout experience can also lighten your stress load and help you unwind.最后,经常锻炼还会让你在日常活动中保持兴奋与热情。运动时听听音乐或叫上朋友还能使你减压放松。
        3. Eat Bananas吃点香蕉
        It’s no doubt that this fruit is “top banana” when it comes to triggering happiness. Not only is this super food cost-effective and abundant year-round, it is also simple and portable for when you need it the most. What gives bananas their star-power is the amount of tryptophan and tyrosine they contain, which change into the hormone serotonin. Eating one banana can calm your body and mind while giving you the right amount of energy and brain power to face the day.论及刺激幸福感的水果,那可就非香蕉莫属了。香蕉不仅价格便宜、全年供应,而且需要时也最方便携带食用。香蕉之所以具有如此丰富的能量,主要在于其中的色氨酸和酪氨酸,这两种物质能转化为荷尔蒙血清素。吃香蕉不仅能适当补充一天所需精力和大脑能量,还能使身心得到镇静放松。
        4. Attend Church去教堂
        Denomination aside, attending church regularly can actually boost your mood. This simple hour can grant you time for reflection, causing you to put your worries and stresses on hold. Church can also be a place to release your stress and emotions. Additionally, church is a good place for socializing and talking with people of like minds. It doesn’t matter what walk of life you come from: a place of worship can put all in attendance on an equal playing field, joining together for a common purpose. This can put you in a better, more optimistic mood and put your issues into perspective.不论宗教派别是什么,定期去教堂都能改善人的情绪。在这段清净时间里,你可以反思并处理好内心焦虑和压力。教堂不仅是释放压力和情绪的地方,还是结识志趣相投朋友的好地方。不论你来自怎样的生活阶层,教堂总可以平等对待众生,所有人也都因为同样目的而相聚。这能让你的心情变好变乐观,让你换个角度看问题。
        5. Volunteer做志愿者
        It goes without saying that lending a helping hand is a reward in itself. Using your skills and expertise to assist the less fortunate can boost your happiness. After all, you’ve accomplished something for the greater good. Start small and maybe prepare a meal for your elderly neighbors or volunteer to cook and serve dinner at a local soup kitchen. Bringing some life and light back into someone’s life and seeing their happiness and gratitude is contagious.毋庸置疑,伸出援手本身就是一种奖赏。用自己的知识技能去帮助较为不幸的人会增加你的幸福感,因为你做了一件大好事。从小事做起:或许你可以给上了年纪的邻居做一顿饭,或者主动为本地救济处做菜。为别人的生活带去生机活力,看到他们开心和感激之情时,你也会深受感染。



        6. Enjoy Friendship享受友情
        Laughter is one of the best prescriptions for daily happiness. Find a group of friends and enjoy a distraction-free evening reminiscing and talking about your lives together. Avoid gossip and venting about problems that plague you. Chances are that you’ve fixated enough on these problems and it’s time to let things go. Keep in mind that often your friends know you well enough to give you sound advice. Take it and then let the conversation shift to something more lighthearted.欢笑是每天开心的最好良药。和一帮朋友共度一个无忧无虑的夜晚,一起回忆并畅谈各自生活。不要八卦或发泄问题牢骚,或许你在这些问题上已经纠结太久,是放手的时候了。当然也别忘了朋友都很了解你,可以给你提供中肯建议。听听他们的建议,然后转到更为轻松的话题上吧。
        7. Plan Your Day日有计划
        Having a set schedule can alleviate stress and tension throughout your day. Plan your meals a week in advance and cook ahead on the weekends. Each evening, set aside a few minutes to ready clothing and items that you need for the next day. Remember, it takes at least 30 days to make a habit, so try it for a month. Each day, schedule in some flexibility or “me” time to relax. Keeping your own needs in mind is a great way to stay organized and in control of your life so you can enjoy each moment.有一套计划能缓解全天的压力和紧张。提前列好一周菜单,趁周末就做好。每晚花几分钟时间准备好隔天衣物。请记住:养成一个习惯至少需要30天时间,所以请坚持一个月。每天也留出一点灵活放松的独处时间。时刻记得自己的需求能让你保持井然有序并掌控好自己的生活,从而享受每一个时刻。
        8. Eat Healthy健康饮食
        Eating a well-balanced meal can keep your metabolism going strong all day long. This will give you enough energy to sustain your daily routines and feel great. Strive to eat as naturally as possible. Cutting corners by eating pre-packaged and processed foods can actually make you feel lethargic and cause problems such as gas and unpleasant digestive issues. Make sure to eat plenty of lean protein like chicken or fish paired with some green vegetables for brainpower and focus. Don’t forget that banana!健康平衡的饮食能让你的新陈代谢全天都保持旺盛,使你有足够精力应付日常事务并感觉良好。所以,请努力做到健康饮食。为图省事而去吃预加工食品其实只会让你感到没精打采,甚至会造成胃气等消化不良问题。确保多吃鱼肉鸡肉等精瘦食品,同时也要吃些绿色蔬菜来补充大脑能量,当然别忘了要吃香蕉哦!
        9. Turn Off the TV关掉电视
        The temptation to turn on the TV for “noise” or to relax can actually be harmful to your health and your happiness. Don’t turn on the TV while you’re doing something pleasurable and relaxing, like cooking or spending time with your family. These activities deserve your focus and will reduce your stress levels, if you aren’t multitasking. So much television programming is made up of negative reports about crime and accidents, violence, or chaos, even having it on in the background can actually boost your stress levels. Try turning on some classical or smooth jazz music to relax your body and mind. Turn off the TV and give yourself some reflective time to read a book or play a game with your family.打开电视娱乐一下的诱惑其实对健康和情绪都很有危害。当你在做开心而又放松的事情时(比如正在做菜或跟家人在一起),请不要打开电视。这些事情值得你去珍惜,如果你没有同时处理多个任务,这些还能帮你减压。很多电视节目都充斥着有关犯罪、交通事故、暴力或动乱的负面报道,即便你没有认真收听收看也会感到有压力。尝试聆听古典音乐或舒缓的爵士音乐来放松身心吧。关掉电视,给自己一些时间去读书或跟家人玩游戏吧。
        10. Meditate冥想
        Tap into your inner wisdom in the morning for an easier and happier start to your day. Through focusing on positive thoughts, you can train yourself to view your accomplishments, your body and your relationships in a positive light. This improves your confidence and self-worth. Breathe deeply. Challenge yourself to try the Loving Kindness Meditation. Channeling all of your love and joy to others will bring happiness back to you, magnified.早晨通过冥想来开始更轻松愉悦的一天吧。通过专注于积极想法,你可以训练自己从积极角度来看待自己的成就、健康与人际关系。这能增加你的自信和自我价值。深呼吸。挑战自己尝试慈爱冥想。将你的爱心和愉悦传递给他人,然后你便能收获更多倍的快乐。
        You don’t need to change your entire life to find happiness. Start with these simple habits that can help refocus your mind on what is important and increase the joy you find in everyday living. 你不必为了追求幸福而改变整个人生。只要养成以上这些习惯,你便能把握住最重要的东西,并能在每天的生活中不断发现快乐。

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