1. Approach every single moment of the day as a fresh start. It is never too late to shift your perspective. It is never too late to be the person you want to be.1、把一天中的每个瞬间当成一个新的开始。要改变你的前途、成为你想成为的人,永远都不会太晚。
2. Share what you know with others. We can all learn from each other. Nobody knows everything.2、向别人分享你所知道的。我们都能互相学习,没有人知晓一切。
3. Write a list of all of your passions and interests and simple pleasures -- and prioritize them as much as doing the laundry or grocery shopping.3、把你热爱的、感兴趣的、感受到简单快乐的一切列一个清单,优先做这些事情,就像洗衣服或去杂货店购物那样。
4. Be willing to forgive yourself and others and let go of your past. Forgiveness is freeing; it is the gift you give yourself.4、愿意宽恕你自己和他人,对你的过去释怀。宽恕就是释怀,是你给自己的礼物。
5. Question your beliefs. Most of them were picked up in childhood and are not serving you. Begin to create your own set of empowering beliefs.5、质疑你的信仰。它们中的大多数是童年时获得的,并不适合你。开始塑造你自己认可的信仰。
6. Dedicate each day to love and kindness. Ask yourself each morning: How can I serve the cause of love today?6、每天都致力于爱和友善。每天早晨问问你自己:我今天能怎样为爱的事业服务呢?
7. Make a list of things you are grateful for. The more you appreciate the blessings in your life, the more blessings there will be to appreciate.7、把你感激的事情列一个清单。你在生活中感激的恩惠越多,就会有越多的恩惠让你感激。
8. Create a vision for your life. Why are you here? What do you love doing? What do you want to learn? How do you want to contribute to the world?8、为你的生活设立一个愿景。你为什么在这儿?你喜爱做什么?你想学什么?你想怎样为世界做贡献?
9. Own your worth. It is humble, not arrogant, to accept that you are a divine creation of the Universe and you are inherently worthy. You have nothing to prove, just a life to enjoy.9、承认你的价值。谦逊而非傲慢地接受你是宇宙间非凡的创作,你本身就有价值。你没有什么需要去证明,你只需去享受生活。
10. Use the incredible power of your imagination. You can dream up new possibilities for your beautiful life and then take inspired action to create them.10、发挥你不可思议的想象力。你可以为你的美好生活构思新的可能性,然后采取积极行动来创造他们。
11. Let love and joy drive your life decisions, not fear and doubt.11、让爱和喜悦驱动你的生活决策,而不是恐惧和怀疑。
12. Discover your values and let them guide your life. Values are deep underlying motivators like connection, creativity, freedom, learning, adventure and joy.12、了解你的价值观并让他们指导你的生活。价值观是如同联想、创造力、自由、学问、冒险和欢乐一般的潜在深层动力。
13. Begin writing a journal daily to get more in touch with your soul. Putting the mind on paper is an amazing way to discover more about yourself.13、开始每天写一篇日志来与你的灵魂有更多的接触。把想法记录在纸上是更加了解你自己的一个令人惊喜的方式。
14. Celebrate everything. Small wins build your confidence and lead to greater success. Celebrate yourself and other people.14、庆祝一切。小的胜利建立起你的信心并带你走向更大的成功。为你自己和他人庆祝。
15. Take good care of your body with water, nourishing foods, movement and rest -- it is the only home you have for your soul on this earth.15、用水、有营养的食物、运动以及休息来照顾好你的身体,因为它是这世上你的灵魂唯一的家。
16. Cultivate an abundance mindset by appreciating what you already have. We are literally surrounded by all forms of abundance on this earth -- just think of an apple tree in blossom, blades of grass in a park, or grains of sand at the beach.16、通过感激你已经拥有的事物来培养富足的心态。我们确实被世上各种各样的富足围绕着,只要想一想那一棵开花的苹果树、公园里的草叶或海滩上的沙粒就能感受到。
17. Set a daily intention each morning which will guide your day. It could be gratitude, playfulness, giving, courage or forgiveness.17、每天早晨设定一个每日目标来指导你的一天,可以是感激、嬉闹、给予、勇气或宽恕。
18. Spend time with good company. We are heavily influenced by those around us, so surround yourself with the dreamers, doers and uplifters.18、与好伙伴共度时光。我们深受身边人的影响,所以与梦想家、实干家、精神饱满的人为伍吧。
19. Give yourself permission to play more and have fun. Laughter and play are not just for children.19、允许你自己多玩一下,玩得高兴一点。欢笑和玩乐并不仅仅属于孩子。
20. Do one thing each day outside
yourcomfort zone. Fear is a natural part of growth and expansion so train yourself to feel the fear and act anyway.20、每天做一件舒适区以外的事情。恐惧是成长和发展的自然的组成部分,所以训练自己去体验恐惧以及无论怎样都采取行动。
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