6个励志小故事 快乐就是这么简单(1)>>
6个励志小故事 快乐就是这么简单(2)>>
6个励志小故事 快乐就是这么简单(3)>>
6个励志小故事 快乐就是这么简单(5)>>
6个励志小故事 快乐就是这么简单(6)>>
By Paul Heiney保罗·海利
If I told you being alone can make me happy, might you raise an eyebrow?如果我告诉你,独处可以使我快乐,你会不会感到惊讶呢?
A couple of years back I sailed my boat to Cape Horn and back, a round trip of 18,000 miles, and for 12,000 of them I was as alone on this planet as it is possible to be. Land was more than 1,000 miles away. And I was very happy to be there. Not all of the time - there's not much happiness when the wind blows and the seas tumble across your boat.许多年前,我撑船来回了一趟合恩角,全程18000英里,其中的12000英里我是独自一人度过的。陆地在离我1000英里以外的地方,那种感觉就好像世界上就只有我一个人了。我那时很高兴,但不是所有的时间都是高兴的——天刮着大风、海浪把你的船打翻的时候你也不会高兴到哪里去。
But when the ocean gives you a break from storm and tempest, I find a more fundamental kind of happiness than any on land.但当大海平静下来,让我在暴风雨中喘口气的时候,我感到了一种强烈的快乐,那是在陆地上从未有过的。
One night, in one of the calms in the infamous doldrums, the stars came out, and suddenly they were perfectly reflected in the sea - I was floating among the stars!一天夜晚,我正身处一片无人问津的海域。这时,星星出来了,一下子倒映在平静的海面上,而我似乎就漂浮在漫天星光之中!
Other sailors have written that such experiences reinforce their insignificance amid the vastness of the universe. But in that moment I felt at the very centre of the universe.一些在海上航行过的人在书中描写过类似的经历,这样的体验让他们愈发觉得自己在这浩瀚的宇宙中是多么渺小。然而,我当时却感觉自己是宇宙的中心。
And then back in the embrace of loved ones when the journey's over, I can tell them this tale and, I hope, make them happy in turn.旅途结束之后,我回到所爱的人身边,我会把这个故事告诉他们,我希望他们也能感受到我的快乐。
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