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发表于 2016-7-28 22:05:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        A lot of us are looking to make some positive changes in our life, but we have no idea where to begin. My suggestion is to do something different.很多人都想给自己的生活做些积极的改变,但我们却不知道从哪里开始。我的建议是去尝试些新鲜事。
        When you're willing to do something different, you are telling yourself, your subconscious mind, and the entire Universe, "I'm asking for a change and I'm willing to DO something about it now." The Universe responds to DOING since it actually means you're starting to also BE something different.当你乐意去做一些新鲜事的时候,你就相当于在告诉你自己、你的潜意识和全世界:“我想要改变,我现在就要开始行动。”世界会对你的行动作出回应,因为这其实也意味着你正开始成为一个不同以往的自己。
        You don't even have to know what to do, at least not at the start. Doing ANYTHING different, that seems like it MIGHT head in the direction of what you are looking for, is a step in the right direction. You can make adjustments as you go. You can fine-tune the changes you are asking for later, once you get the hang of doing something different. The point is this: DO SOMETHING -- ANYTHING -- DIFFERENT.你甚至不需要知道要做什么,至少一开始不需要。随便做不一样的事,做那些看上去有可能是你一直想做的事,这就是一个正确的方向。过程中你可以做一些调整。一旦你摸清了门路,你就可以对接下来的改变做些微调了。重点就是:去做些不一样的事,随便什么都行。
        Let's say you have the same habit of never having enough money in your bank account, but you never know where it goes. Something different might be getting an old-school notebook out and writing down your expenses. Or if you want to be fashionably high-tech, you could get an expense-tracking app, AND USE IT. This one small act for many people has been the beginning of getting their financial affairs in order by doing something different.比如说你的习惯是:银行账户从来没能存到多少钱,但你从来不知道钱花到哪儿去了。那你就拿出传统的笔记本,把花销都记录下来,这就可以算是一个新的尝试了。如果你想跟上高科技的潮流,那你也可以下载个消费记录app用用。对很多人来说,这小小的行动尝试新事物,是有序管理个人财务的开始。
        Or let's say you realize that you are being sucked down the social media rabbit hole, feeling as though you don't exist without the infusion of other people's perfectly-curated lives into yours. (Hint: if you're rabidly checking your phone at every non-busy moment, this applies to you.) Doing something different might be taking designated hours off during the day--or even just ONE HOUR off during the day. (Note: picking one of the hours while you're sleeping doesn't count!)又比如说你发现自己陷入了社交媒体的泥潭中无法自拔,一旦脱离了别人精心分享的生活状态,自己就没有了存在感一样。(注意:如果你一闲下来就去查看手机信息,这里说的就是你。)一天里指定几个小时远离社交媒体,就算是1小时也行,这就可以算是打破习惯。(注意:选你睡觉的时间不算!)
        One courageous journalist I know of took an entire 30 days away from "social." Now THAT is something different!我认识一个很有勇气的记者,他远离了“社交”整整三十天。那可真的是打破习惯了!
        Now, I'm not suggesting that you go cold turkey like that unless you have a lot of personal strength and courage, and the willingness to dynamically change that area of your life. Sometimes making a bold move like that will be what's required. Many times making a small change in the direction of doing something different will create enough of a change to give you a different perspective and get you out of the rabbit hole.我这不是让你一下子把自己的习惯改掉,除非你有强大的毅力和勇气,以及想要积极改变某一生活状态的意志。有时候你需要的就是那样大胆的行动。很多时候,朝着打破习惯的目标做出细小的改变就能足够给你呈现一个不同的视野,把你从一成不变的生活中解救出来。

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