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发表于 2016-7-28 22:05:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand《阿特拉斯耸耸肩》,作者:安·德兰
        Ayn Rand's novel, about the triumph of the individual over the tyranny of the collective, has sparked heated conversations and thoughtful dialogue for decades. Some of the celebrities mentioned on Mother Jones praised the book for its achievements and compelling characters (such as Rob Lowe and Billie Jean King).安·德兰的这本小说讲的是个人在集体的暴政下获得的胜利,点燃了数十年来激烈的谈论和值得深思的对话。一些知名人士在《琼斯母亲》杂志中提及这本小说时,赞扬了它取得的成绩以及书中引人注目的人物角色(例如:罗伯·劳、比利·简·金)。
        “Moby Dick” by Herman Melville《白鲸》,作者:赫尔曼·梅尔维尔
        Melville is a talented author whose masterpiece remains the story about an elusive whale, and its mad pursuer, Captain Ahab.梅尔维尔是一个极具天赋的作家,他的这本杰作讲的是一条令人捉摸不透的白鲸以及它的疯狂追捕者亚哈船长的故事。  
        The narrator is not the only character with an exotic Biblical name (Ishmael), and there are as many themes to be had as fish in the sea. Moby Dick is a strangely destructive whale, who seems to take delight in capsizing and destroying the life of whaling vessels. 故事的叙述者并不仅仅是有着来自圣经的外来名字(以赛玛利)的人物角色,还有许多关于海中的鱼的主题。主人公白鲸“异于常鲸”、极具破坏性,以摧毁捕鲸船为乐。
        Captain Ahab's thirst for avenging his lost leg and ship prove to be his undoing. He makes a strange figure, teetering about his own ship on a leg made from a whale's jawbone, and seeking the prophetic mutterings of a harpoon crew member for clues on Moby Dick's location. Reading between the lines of whale oil and prophecy lies a fascinating tale of the nature of good and evil – and madness.亚哈船长对于自己失去的腿和船有着强烈的复仇欲望,这全是拜他所赐。他的外形古怪,摇摇晃晃地用他那取材自鲸鱼颚骨的腿驾驶着船只,根据一位鱼叉船员预言般的喃喃自语搜寻着白鲸的下落。字里行间的鲸脂油和预言仿佛把读者带到了一个令人神魂颠倒的神话中,探寻着善与恶甚至是疯狂的本质。
        “1984” by George Orwell《1984》,作者:乔治·奥威尔
        Winston and Julia are a young couple who meet under oppressive circumstances – he's an editor at the Ministry of Truth and she operates machines. Their habits of running away together, and thinking against the Party in the far-off land of Oceania, are noticed by the Thought Police. Throughout, history has no meaning except what the leaders give to it. This is one of the best books to read on the nature of totalitarian regimes, not because it's fiction, but because it has a ring of truth.温斯顿和茱莉亚是一对年轻的夫妇,他们的生活面临着窘境——他是真理部的一位编辑而她是一名机器操作员。他们一起逃跑的习性以及在思想上对于远在大洋洲的党派的反对引起了思想警察的注意。纵观全文,历史除了领导者赋予的意义外别无他意。这是关于极权政体本质最好的小说之一,不是因为这是一部虚构的作品,而是因为它是真理之环。



        "The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton M. Christensen《创新者的窘境》,作者:克莱顿·克里斯坦森
        Out of Harvard Business School Press has come a 'must' on the business book list - Christensen's explanation of why technology changes can derail established companies. 由于哈佛商学院出版社已经成为了商业图书清单的必备,克里斯坦森关于为何科技变革能够使得知名公司运行脱离轨道的阐释也成了必读之物。
        "Be here now" by Ram Dass《活在当下》,作者:拉姆·达斯
        This illustrated guide to Yoga was made popular in the 1970's, and truly lives up to its name. From psychedelic experimentation, to the path of inner discipline, Ram Dass explains why living in the present moment is an all-powerful spiritual concept. Steve Jobs thought it a profound work.20世纪70年代,配有插图的瑜伽书籍变得流行起来,这也无愧于它的名字。从迷幻的实验过程到内心的自我管理,拉姆·达斯阐述了为何活在当下是一个全能的精神概念。乔布斯认为这是一本深刻的书籍。
        "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind" by Shunryu Suzuki《禅者的初心》,作者:铃木俊隆
        Horse aficionados may be surprised that the Zen mind begins with types of horses (excellent, good, poor, and bad) and how they respond to the requests of the rider. The paradoxes of growth and appreciation, struggle and enlightenment, situation versus being, are scattered throughout this 1970's classic. Not surprisingly, Steve Jobs added Suzuki's work to his favorites list, along with Be Here Now.马的狂热爱好者也许会对禅心是起源于不同类型的马(极好的、好的、一般的、差的)以及它们是如何回应骑者而感到惊讶。悖论如增长与欣赏、斗争与启蒙、情况相对等,在20世纪70年代的经典中举目皆是。史蒂芬·乔布斯把此书和《活在当下》一起列入他最爱的书单并不令人感到惊讶。
        "The Autobiography of Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda《一个瑜伽行者的自传》,作者:尤迦南达
        According to Elvis Presley's former spiritual advisor, Larry Geller, it apparently even made an impact on the consciousness of the King of Swing. The author shows an appreciation for the Western mind's demand for verifiable detail, while offering insights from a long line of Hindu yogis practicing mindfulness for many centuries. One of the most impactful chapters centers around a story of the author and his brother having a competition on the subject of God's providence – a long trip would have to be made without provision for food and without dependence on begging. 根据埃维斯·普里斯利的前精神导师拉里·盖勒所说,这本书甚至对摇滚之王的意识产生了明显的影响。作者表达了对于西方思想追求可证的细节欣赏,同时也提出了印度瑜伽几世纪以来对于精神力量的修炼。其中最有影响力的章节之一主要讲述了作者与他的兄弟关于上帝旨意的竞争——一场没有实物供给并且不能依靠乞讨的漫长旅行的故事。



        "Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism" by Chogyam Trungpa《突破精神唯物主义》,作者:巴仁波切
        Chogyam Trungpa's groundbreaking work on the dangers of spiritual materialism was presented originally in Colorado, as a series of short talks in the 1970's. Years later, the material was striking enough for Steve Jobs to add it to his extensive reading list. Calling the process of the spiritual walk a “subtle process”, Trungpa outlines Buddhist philosophy and explains how spiritual growth is related to suffering, confusion, and the discovery of enlightenment beyond the tyranny of the ego. 巴仁波切在精神唯物主义中的具有开创性的作品最初起源于科罗拉多,在20世纪70年代这只是一系列简短的交谈。数年后,因为这些材料足够具有震撼力而被史蒂芬·乔布斯加入了他的泛读书单里。召唤精神过程是一个“微妙的过程”,巴仁波切概述了佛教哲学,揭示了精神成长是如何与超越自我的残暴的磨难、困惑以及发现启示相互关联的。
        Readers looking to expand their book lists may also want to see Trungpa's other works, such as “The Myth of Freedom” and “The Sacred Path of the Warrior”.希望扩大自己书单的读者也许会想要看看巴仁波切的其他作品,如《自由的迷思》和《勇士神圣之道》。
        "Only the Paranoid Survive" by Andrew S. Grove《只有偏执狂才能生存》,作者:安迪·格鲁夫
        According to the Wall Street Journal, this book is one of coach Jim Harbaugh's favorite manuals for his football team, the San Francisco 49ers. As CEO, Grove steered Intel toward its status as top creator of computer chips that control our digital world, qualifying him to speak about the necessity of adaptation to instant corporate change. The milestones of change contain an instructive pattern, and Grove uses some of Intel's challenges (such as the Pentium processor flaw) to show what worked in keeping slightly ahead of Internet expansion: debate, anticipation of change, and seeking answers beyond the job title. 根据《华尔街日报》报道,这本书是教练吉姆·哈伯给足球队——旧金山49人队最爱的手册之一。作为首席执行官,格鲁夫带领英特尔取得了在控制数码世界中电脑芯片领域的领先创造者的地位,这给予了他讲述关于及时适应企业改变必要性的资格。变革的里程碑包含一种具有指导性的模式,格鲁夫通过英特尔的一些挑战(比如奔腾处理器的瑕疵)展示了是什么在保持略高于互联网膨胀中起了作用:辩论、对于变化的预测以及超出职位寻求答案。

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