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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        This picture of an elderly man eating out with a photo of his late wife has melted the hearts of thousands after it went viral last week. It was tweeted by Madina Bashizadah, who clicked the picture while having lunch with a friend at In-N-Out Burger in Fremont, California. Since she uploaded the pic on October 22, it has been retweeted over 8,000 times.这张老人带着已故妻子的照片外出吃饭的图片上周蹿红网络之后,融化了数千人的心。麦迪娜·巴什扎达把它发到了网上,是她和朋友在加州菲蒙市In-N-Out Burger快餐店吃午餐时拍下的。自从她10月22日上传了这张照片后就被转发了超过8000次。
        Madina said that she noticed the man seated at a nearby table, eating his meal while staring at a framed photograph in front of him. She immediately interpreted that the woman in the photo must be his deceased wife. This moved her so much that she burst into tears and couldn’t bring herself to approach him.麦迪娜说,她注意到这位老人坐在邻桌,边吃饭边盯着眼前相框里的照片看。她马上就想到照片上的女人一定是他已故的妻子。这使她感动得都哭了,无法去接近那位老人。
        “When I saw him, I got very emotional and started tearing up,” she later said. “My best friend wanted me to talk to him but I couldn’t without breaking down.” Other diners at the restaurant, however, did pluck up the courage to speak to the old man and ask him about the photo. He confirmed that the woman was indeed his wife who had passed away five years ago, and he seemed excited to talk about her and share their beautiful love story .她后来说:“我看见他时感动得哭了。我最好的朋友想让我跟他聊聊,但我一定会情绪失控的。”快餐店里别的用餐的人却鼓起勇气去跟那位老人聊天,问他照片的事,他证实了那个女人的确是他妻子,五年前去世了。聊起她老人显得很兴奋,还跟我们分享了他们美好的爱情故事。
        Madina learned that the old man first met his wife when they were only 17 years old. The war kept them apart for 10 years after that, but he never stopped searching for her. “One day as he was telling his barber about her, the barber calls his daughter and it ends up being her,” she shared on Twitter. “They were married instantly and it lasted 55 years until she passed away. He takes her photo everywhere.”麦迪娜了解到老人初遇他妻子时他们才17岁,之后由于战乱分别了10年,但他从未停止寻找她。她在推特上写道:“一天他跟理发师聊起她时,理发师叫来了自己的女儿,正是那个女孩。他们立刻就结婚了,一起生活了55年直到妻子去世。他走到哪儿都带着她的照片。”
        The photo has been marked as a favorite by over 13,000 people, and Madina is quite overwhelmed with the response. “I didn’t think anything like that would ever happen. I tweet everything, it’s kinda like my public diary,” she said. “So when I saw this, it was such a beautiful moment I was like ‘aw, I’m gonna tweet this’. Not to be cheesy, but it made me want that kinda love.”这张照片受到了超过1万3000人的喜爱,麦迪娜没想到反响如此强烈。她说:“我没想到会这样,我在推特上什么都发,就像我的公开日记一样。所以我一看到这个美妙时刻,心里就好像在说‘噢,我要把这个发到网上’。说真的,这使我也想拥有那种爱情了。”

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