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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        There are many new grads headed into the real world this time of year.每年的这个时候,都会有一大批应届毕业生踏入社会。
        It seems like a long time ago since my own graduation. I was recently asked for my advice to new graduates entering the workplace.距离我自己毕业似乎已经是很久以前的事了。最近有人就应届生走进职场的事宜向我征求意见。
        So, here are my 20 Workplace Tips for New Grads, from a Time & Life Management perspective, of course. 这里是我为应届毕业生准备的20个职场小贴士,当然这些建议是从时间和人生管理角度出发的。
        1. Get to Work on Time – Unlike school, you can’t get away with sleeping in and not showing up. It will catch up to you quickly. Being present is the first step to success and the early bird is often rewarded. 按时上班——职场不像学校,在学校即使睡过头或跷课也没什么大不了的,但上班以后如果你还这么散漫,很快就会受到处罚。按时上班是迈向成功的第一步,并且记住,早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
        2. Do Your Homework – Just because you are out of school doesn’t mean homework ends. There will be times that you have to work outside working hours. Find your balance, but do your work when it is required. 做好功课——离开学校并不意味着就不用做家庭作业了。工作以后,你会经常面临8小时之外还得工作的状况。合理安排你的时间,但是需要加班时仍要做好你的工作。
        3. Watch Your Reputation– You reputation in the working world will precede you, and it will follow you wherever you go. In the online hyper-connected world, this is more true than ever. Always, defend your reputation. 注意你的声誉——在职场,声誉代表着你的形象,并且时刻伴随着你。在这个信息互联的时代,它比以往任何时候都更加真实。因此要注意维护你的声誉。
        4. You Have to Do the Work – Sorry, but there are no shortcuts. There is no 4-hour work week. There is no get rich quick. You have to put in the time. And yes, you have to do the work. If someone tells you otherwise, run the other direction, they are trying to sell you something. 必须完成工作——这里没有捷径可以走,没有每周4小时的工作,没有快速致富的妙计。你必须投入时间。也就是说你必须工作。如果有人跟我说的不一样甚至相反,他们可能是在试图卖给你什么东西。
        5. Bring Your Skills – Just because you are new to the workplace, do not be intimidated. You are bringing skills and knowledge that the workplace is hungry for. Contribute what you can and learn from others that have preceded you. 亮出你的本领——不要仅仅因为你是新来的就有畏惧心理。你身上有职场需要的技能和知识。尽力为工作付出,并多向前辈学习。
        6. Work Hard – Always give your best effort. You never know what task is critical to your future success or may open a door of opportunity. If you find yourself in a job where you can’t give your all, it’s time to move on. 努力工作——尽最大的努力工作。你永远也不知道哪份工作会对你未来的成功产生至关重要的作用,或向你开启机遇之门。如果你觉得现在的工作不能发挥你的潜力,那么是时候换工作了。
        7. Build Relationships – Whether you a social butterfly or a shy individual, make sure you build strong relationships. You do this by genuinely caring and supporting others. Hard work counts, but relationships make the world go round. 建立自己的人脉——不管你是长袖善舞还是内向害羞,都要建立良好的人脉。要做到这一点,你要真诚的关心和帮助他人。努力工作很重要,但成功更多来自强大的人脉。
        8. Be An Adventurer – Always be willing to try new things. You can sit at home or the office any day. Don’t pass up an opportunity to try a new adventure. 富有冒险精神——要勇于尝试新事物。你可以坐在家里或办公室里消磨一天又一天。不要放过任何尝试新冒险的机会。
        9. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail – You will fail many times. Especially early in your career. That is good. If you don’t fail once in a while, you aren’t trying. 不要害怕失败——你会经历很多次失败,特别是刚进入职场时。这并不是什么坏事。偶尔失败了,才会有继续努力的方向。
        10. Ask for Help When You Need It – Just like in school, you may need to ask for extra help. Don’t let the workplace intimidate you from doing so. 必要时寻求帮助——就像在学校时一样,你可能需要他人的帮助。不要因为是在职场,就不敢去寻求帮助。



        11. Find the Subjects You Are Good At – You probably majored in something you were good at. Find a job that matches your passions and skills. By the way, this is also the work you will enjoy. That one choice will bring you much joy or frustration. 发现你的特长——你的专业很可能是你所擅长的。找一份能发挥你的激情和技能的工作。这样你就不会为工作所累。这个选择也意味着你以后的工作是带给你快乐还是沮丧。
        12. Make Decisions – Living life is about making choices. Some are easy and some are hard. But, make sure you make your own decisions or life will make them for you. 做出决定——生命就是不断选择的过程。只不过有些选择是容易的,有些却很艰难。但是你必须自己做出决定,否则生活就会替你做主。
        13. Have Goals & Write Them Down – There has an undercurrent lately, of advice stating that you shouldn’t have goals. These are the same people who don’t want to fail. Regularly write down your goals. Share them with those that you love. 有目标,并且写下来——最近有种声音建议人们不应该有目标。这是一群不愿意面对失败的人们。要经常写下你的目标,并与你爱的人一起分享。
        14. Blaze Your Own Path – You don’t have to follow in anyone else’s footsteps. “That’s the way it has always been done” is a dangerous road-sign to follow on the road of life. 活出自己的特色——你没有必要跟随别人的脚步。“大家都是这样做的”,这种想法对于你的人生之路是一个危险的信号。
        15. Always Be Learning – You may have just finished school, but don’t think you are done learning. This has never been more important. In just a few short years, there will be entirely new technologies and information that didn’t exist when you were in school. 活到老学到老——你可能已经完成学业,但这并不意味着你已经不用学习了。这在当今世界尤为重要。最近几年,你将会看到很多学校里没有的全新的技术和信息。
        16. No One Ever Was Successful Sitting on the Couch – You have to take the first step in your own journey. That new job isn’t going to magically appear. That book isn’t going to write itself. And so on… so, put the remote down and leave the couch. 坐在沙发上永远不会成功——要启程你就必须先迈出第一步。新的工作不会奇迹般就出现。书也不会自己就写出来。等等,等等……因此,放下遥控器,离开沙发,开始努力。
        17. Enjoy the Journey - Too many people think life is a destination. “When I get there… I will be successful.” Life is a trip. Enjoy the journey. There is an end point, but the point is not to get there. 享受过程——很多人认为生活就是目的。“当我到那里时,我就成功了。” 生命是一场旅行,要学会享受旅程。旅行总会有终点,但那并不是我们的目的。
        18. Spend Your Time Wisely - As you get into the workplace you will find that you have less “free time” than when you were in school. When you have a family, you will have even more demands on your time.Remember that you have as much time in the day as everyone else, spend it wisely. 合理安排你的时间——当你进入职场以后,你会发现,和在学校相比你能自由支配的时间少了很多。有家庭以后,会占用你更多的时间。要记住,每一天你所拥有的时间都和别人一样多,合理安排你的时间。
        19. Don’t Settle– Life is too short to settle in your job or in your relationships. You don’t have to work there. You don’t have to stay in a relationship. 不要太早安定下来——人生很短暂,不要太早就安定下来,无论是工作还是人际关系。你不一定非要在那里工作,也不一定非要处在那样的人际关系中。
        20. Believe in Yourself – You have to be you biggest fan. In the workplace, no one is going care about your future more than you. Promote yourself where appropriate, and always believe in yourself even more than others do. 相信自己——无条件的做自己最大的粉丝。在职场没有人比你更关心你的未来。在合适的时候提升自己的能力,并对自己报以最大的自信。

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