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英国礼仪全养成 学习纯正英式礼仪









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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
        Do you know how to start a dialogue with a "Brit" that you met in a pub, or do you know what the appropriate attire is for a British gathering?你知道在酒吧里碰到一个英国人该怎么跟他搭讪吗?你了解出席英式聚会的着装要求吗?
        Now you can learn.如果不知道,也不用担心,现在有地方可以学习啦!
        British Airways unveiled an inspiring online campaign in China that aims to introduce the mannerisms and idiosyncrasies of the British people. Dubbed “The Best of British Etiquette”, the campaign reinforces British Airways’ role in promoting the cultural exchange between China and the UK.英国航空公司日前宣布,在华推出一项别出心裁的线上活动,旨在向大家介绍英国当地的风俗礼仪。这项名为“英国礼仪全养成”的活动,将进一步彰显英国航空公司对推动中英两国文化交流所发挥的重要作用。
        The campaign is being run on British Airways’ Chinese language site, ba.com/britishetiquette, and across British Airways’ Chinese social media platforms, including Sina Weibo (weibo.com/britishairways) and WeChat.该活动现已在英国航空公司官方中文网站(ba.com/britishetiquette),以及公司中文社交媒体平台上全面推出,包括新浪微博(weibo.com/britishairways)以及微信。
        The campaign features ten weekly scenarios that the Chinese audience will be most interested in knowing, including what a "Bromance" is, what to do at a football match, and how to make small talk. It is now live and will run for two months until September with all of the informative etiquette lessons and fun-to-watch educational videos being shared on all of British Airways’ digital platforms in China.“英国礼仪全养成”活动,涵盖10周线上礼仪课程,每周都将围绕一个中国观众感兴趣的礼仪主题开展互动交流,例如:何为“兄弟情”、看场足球比赛该做哪些准备,以及如何与英国人闲聊等。此项活动将火热进行至9月,观众们可在所有英国航空公司国内的网络平台上,学习英式礼仪课程并观看富有趣味性的教学视频。
        In addition, audiences are invited to participate in an online competition that will be rolled out on ba.com/britishetiquette later this summer. The lucky winner will be awarded a complimentary experience of British etiquette.此外,英国航空公司还邀请观众们参与今年夏末在ba.com/britishetiquette上推出的线上礼仪竞赛。届时,幸运儿将能获得英式礼仪体验奖励。
        “As our governments continue to increase trade and cultural ties, we thought it would be a great time to share a little bit of British culture and we also hope we can learn from the people of China,” Tracy Dedman, British Airways’ regional general manager, Greater China and the Philippines, said.英国航空公司大中华区及菲律宾总经理高韵诗表示:“随着中英政府不断增进贸易与文化交流,我们相信这是两国文化相互分享和交流的一个绝佳时机。”
        “British etiquette and hospitality are integral parts of British Airways' services. We regard ourselves the ambassadors of Britishness. We hope this insight into British etiquette will help build stronger relationships between China and the West and help our Chinese customers to feel more at home in Britain whether they travel there for business or for leisure.”高韵诗补充道:“英国礼仪与热情待客是英国航空公司服务不可或缺的元素。我们愿成为‘英伦大使’,并希望通过对英国礼仪的见解分享,令中西方关系更为紧密,使我们的中国客人们无论是商务出行或者休闲出游到访英国,都能怡然自得。”

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