A 101-year-old woman who lived through the Great Depression received a standing ovation after giving a rousing 90-minute talk to an unemployment group.一位历经美国经济大萧条的101岁高龄的老人,为一群失业者做了90分钟的演讲之后,获得了大家经久不息的掌声致敬。
Ms Murphy's talk began with her childhood in Gateshead, where she was born in 1913.1913年生于盖茨黑德,墨菲女士的演讲就从她盖茨黑德的童年开始。
She attended school aged five but her alcoholic father, who returned from the First World War with "shell shock" - now known as post-traumatic stress disorder - wanted her at home.她五岁的时候开始上学,但是她的酒鬼父亲却希望她呆在家里,因为她父亲参加过第一次世界大战,留下了“炮弹休克症”,即现在所说的战后应激障碍。
When she turned 11 he tried to stop her attending the local grammar school, too.当她11岁的时候,他又试图阻止她去念文法学校。
"He wanted me at home looking after my four little brothers and my sister," she said.她说:“他想让我呆在家里照顾我的四个弟弟妹妹。”
"But even though it involved a five mile walk and two train journeys every day, I was determined to be educated".“但是即使一天要走来回两段的五公里路程,我还是决心要让自己接受教育。”
Thanks to her endurance Ms Murphy earned the qualifications to embark on a two-year teacher training course in 1932.由于她的坚持,墨菲女士于1932年取得了两年教师培训课程的资格。
But before she had the chance to begin her career, the Great Depression struck.但是当她还没来得及开始自己的职业生涯的时候,美国经济大萧条爆发了。
She was left having to search for work, and eventually secured a teaching position in County Durham.她只能不断去寻找工作,最终获得了达勒姆郡的一个教师职位。
"I know what it's like when you can't find work through no fault of your own, and that's what I told them during my talk," she said.她说:“我在演讲的时候告诉他们,我对他们自身没有问题却找不到工作的经历感同身受。”
The talk also took in major events throughout her lifetime such as the miners' strike and the 27-year imprisonment of Nelson Mandela, who she described as one of her heroes.演讲也提及了她一生中所经历的重大事件。比如:矿工罢工,被她视为英雄之一的纳尔逊·曼德拉遭受27年的监禁。
The struggle for Ms Murphy did not end when she found a job, however. She told the adult learners she was angry that would have to give up her job if she found a husband.然而,找到工作之后,墨菲女士的抗争并没有结束,她告诉那些成年学习者们当得知一旦结婚她就必须放弃工作时她愤怒不已。
That never happened, however - as in the same year that she met her future husband Michael, the Second World War broke out.但是这中情况并没有发生,因为就在她遇到他准丈夫迈克尔的那年第二次世界大战爆发了。
Because men were needed to fight overseas, she could continue teaching, albeit with a £1-a-week pay cut.由于所有的男性都必须奔赴国外作战,她得以继续教学,即使每周只有1磅的薪水。
It meant she was lucky never to experience long-term unemployment again, and retired happily at the age of 60 after separating from her husband.与丈夫的分离也意味着她很幸运地不用再经历长期的失业了,可以愉快地工作到60岁退休。
Ms Murphy's talk was arranged by a reminiscence group at the Addison Court Nursing Home where she lives in Tyne and Wear.墨菲女士的演讲是由一个爱迪生法庭养老院的怀旧团体安排组织的,她在泰恩-威尔郡的时候就住在这个养老院。
Afterwards she said she had wanted to support people who were struggling to find work by sharing her experiences, having lived through war and the worst recessions of the 20th Century.然后,她说她希望通过分享她自己走过战争和经济大萧条的经历,能够给与那些苦苦奋斗寻找工作的人支持和鼓励。
The home's activities co-ordinator Deb Carter said: "Annie is just amazing. When she gave her talk, the audience were absolutely fascinated."那家养老院的活动协调者黛比·卡特说:“安妮真的是太令人惊讶了。她演讲的时候,观众都完全沉醉其中了。”
"Her memory is crystal clear and she brought events they'd only read about, to life. We are now hoping to line up more talks for her - she really is an inspiration."“她的记忆十分清楚,她提到的事情都是能够获悉生活的。现在我们打算为她策划更多的演讲,因为她实在是太鼓舞人心了。”
Ms Murphy has now been nominated for an award by the council area's Workability Group, which is run by volunteers who help find qualifications for people without a job.墨菲女士现在获得了一个提名奖,发起人是一个隶属议会、志愿帮助那些无业人员的工作力团体。 |