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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        “I really should read more books,” you tell yourself. There’s all this information you want to acquire, all these skills you want to learn.你告诉自己,“我应该多看些书”。书里面有很多你所需要的信息以及想学习技能的相关内容。
        You’re excited about reading more so that you can become a better parent, friend, employee, boss, writer or entrepreneur. You want to immerse yourself in a captivating story and learn to see the world from a brand new perspective.You know there’s plenty to gain from reading more books.你很想多看一些书,这样你就会成为更称职的父母、朋友、职工、老板、作家或企业家。你想沉浸在一个扣人心弦的故事中,学着从一个崭新的视角来看世界。你知道多看些书会有很大收获。
        But when you get home after a long day, you give in to temptation. You turn on the TV and lie on the couch. You login to Facebook and start watching YouTube videos. Before you know it, it’s bedtime. No time left in the day to read.但是当你过完漫长的一天回到家中时,就向各种诱惑妥协了。你打开电视躺在沙发上。你登录到Facebook上,开始看YouTube上的视频。不知不觉,就到了上床睡觉的时间了。没有时间看书了。
        If this describes you, you’re not alone. This poll reveals that half the adults in America read five books or fewer over the past year. But it doesn’t have to be this way. I’ve discovered 10 easy ways to read more books, and I’d like to share them with you.如果上面描述的恰巧是你的生活,那表明你和很多人都一样。调查发现,美国有一半的成年人去年一年只看了不到5本或刚好5本书。但是不一定非要这样。我发现了10种简单的方法,能让你看更多的书,我想和你分享一下。
        These 10 tips have helped me to read more than 170 books over the past four years, so I promise that they work.使用下面的这10种方法,我在过去的四年里读了170多本书,所以我可以负责任地告诉你,这些方法很管用。
        1. Always have a book with you. 随身携带图书。
        When you carry a book around with you all the time, it’s less likely that you’ll play with your phone or daydream whenever you’re caught waiting for something.如果你一直随身携带图书,当你在等待的时候, 就不会老是玩手机或是做白日梦了。
        If you use your waiting time to read, you’ll be able to finish many more books in the long run.如果你把等待的时间用来阅读,从长远来看,你会看完很多书。
        2. Set aside time to read every night before you go to bed. 每晚上床睡觉之前,抽出一段时间来阅读。
        10 or 15 minutes of reading before you go to bed is a good way to unwind.睡觉前看10到15分钟的书,是放松的好方法。
        3. Get enough sleep. 保证充足的睡眠。
        This might sound like a tip that belongs in a different article, so allow me to explain.这个方法看起来好像不应该放在这里,我来解释一下吧。
        Many people want to read on the bus or subway ride to work, but because they’re sleep-deprived, they decide to take a nap instead.很多人都想在上班的路上在公交车或地铁上看书,但是因为很困,所以时间都用来打盹了。
        If you’re well-rested, you can use your commute to do some valuable reading.如果你休息得很好,你就可以利用坐车的时间去看一些有价值的书。
        4. Use your finger or a pen as a guide when you’re reading. 当你看书的时候,用手指或笔来指引内容。
        When you do this, you force your eyes not to “jump” around or skip back over the words that you’ve already read, which is the natural tendency of your eyes.我们看书的时候,眼睛会自然地跳过或回看已经看过的内容,如果你用手指或笔来指引内容,就不会出现这个问题。
        This tip alone will greatly improve your reading efficiency. 这个方法会极大地提高你的阅读效率。
        5. Use an e-reader.使用电子书。
        I was initially hesitant about buying an e-reader (I use a Kindle), because I enjoy reading books in their physical form. But I was quickly won over by the convenience of doing all of my reading on the Kindle.刚开始我很犹豫要不要买一个电子书。(我用的是Kindle),因为我很享受纸书阅读的那种感觉。但是在kindle上阅读实在是太方便了,它很快就把我征服了。
        The font sizes are adjustable; you can share one book with multiple devices; you can highlight text and make notes; you can use one hand to navigate all of the Kindle’s functions (this is especially useful for me when I find myself holding on to the handlebar of a crowded bus with one hand, and using my Kindle with the other).kindle上的字体大小是可以调整的;你可以使用多台设备来看一本书;你可以在书上画重点并做笔记;你可以用一只手浏览Kindle的所有功能(这对我来说尤其有用。这样我在拥挤的公交车上就可以一只手抓着把手,一只手拿着kindle)。
        6. Buy audio books. 购买有声图书。
        If you prefer to do your “reading” by listening, this option will work well for you.如果你喜欢听书,这种方式会很适合你。
        7. Read one book at a time.一次只看一本书。
        It’s tempting to read multiple books at once, but when you focus on finishing one book at a time, you’ll get more out of each book that you read.同时看很多本书看起来很诱人,但是当你每次只专注于一本书时,你从这本书中得到的收获会比你同时看其他书时从这本书中得到的收获要大。
        8. Read while sitting on the “throne.”坐在“宝座”上看书。
        It’s not recommended that you spend too much time sitting on the toilet, but since you’re going to be there for five minutes or so, why not do some reading? Five minutes of extra reading a day does add up.不推荐你花太多的时间坐在马桶上,但是反正你每天都要在那里坐上五分钟,为什么不顺便看点儿书呢?每天五分钟看起来很短,但是坚持下来,加起来时间就不少了。
        9. Keep a list of books that you’ve read. 把你读过的书列在一张清单里。
        It’s exciting to see the list growing as time goes by, which will further encourage you to read more.随着时间的推移,这张清单会越来越长,看到它你会感到很兴奋,并且想看更多的书。
        10. Keep a list of books that you want to read.把你想看的书列在一张清单里。
        This list represents all the knowledge that you’d like to gain in the future. Referring to this list and updating it regularly will help you stay motivated to keep reading!这张清单代表着以后你想获得的知识。 看看这张清单并经常更新它,会帮助你保持继续看书的动力。
        In closing…最后……
        Reading a book is like undergoing a chemical reaction. You’ll never be exactly the same when you finish a book, because every book has the power to teach you, encourage you and shape you.看一本书就像经历一次化学反应。当你看完一本书的时候,你会和以前有所不同,因为每本书都能够指导你、鼓励你并塑造你。

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