11.Someone will always be better looking. Someone will always be smarter. Someone will always be more charismatic. But they will never be you – with your exact ideas, knowledge and skills.11.总会有人比你漂亮,总会有人比你聪明,总会有人比你有魅力。这些人都不是你,他们不会拥有你所拥有的思想、知识和技能。
12.Making progress involves risk. Period. You can’t make it to second base with your foot on first.12.前进中总会有风险。没什么好多说的。你总不可能脚还踩在一垒上就想跑到二垒吧。
(小编注:period在这里是标点符号句号的意思,通常在句末出现,表示就到这里,没什么可说的了,详情请见【美剧日常口语】你会用“标点符号”说话吗? 一垒、二垒都是棒球术语,棒球比赛中有四个垒,从击球点(本垒)起反时钟方向跑,依次是一垒、二垒(在本垒对角)和三垒。一般击球后成功达到一垒是为“安打”,如果球击得很远,球员可以冒险冲向二垒。)
13.Every morning you are faced with two choices: You can aimlessly stumble through the day not knowing what’s going to happen and simply react to events at a moment’s notice, or you can go through the day directing your own life and making your own decisions and destiny.13.每天早上你都有两个选择:一是虚度光阴、碌碌无为,不知道一天会发生什么事,只是等到事情迫在眉睫了才勉强应对。或者你可以自己掌控一切,包括你的生活、决定和命运。
14.Everyone makes mistakes. If you can’t forgive others, don’t expect others to forgive you. To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was you.14.人非圣贤,孰能无过。你不原谅别人,又怎么能希望别人会原谅你。宽恕就是释放囚犯,这个囚犯不是别人,正是你自己。
15.It’s okay to fall apart for a little while. You don’t always have to pretend to be strong, and there is no need to constantly prove that everything is going well. You shouldn’t be concerned with what other people are thinking either – cry if you need to – it’s healthy to shed your tears. The sooner you do, the sooner you will be able to smile again.15.偶尔崩溃一小下是可以的,你不必总是假装坚强,证明一切都运行正常。不需要去理会别人的想法,想哭就哭,流泪对身体有好处。早点流泪,就能早点再次微笑。
16.We sometimes do things that are permanently foolish just because we are temporarily upset. A lot of heartache can be avoided if you learn to control your emotions.16.有时候,我们因为一时的失意而做出让我们后悔终身的傻事。只要学会控制自己的情绪,很多让我们心痛的事都是可以避免的。
17.Someone else doesn’t have to be wrong for you to be right. There are many roads to what’s right. You cannot judge others by your own past. They are living a different life than you. What might be good for one person may not be good for another. What might be bad for one person might change another person’s life for the better. You have to allow people to make their own mistakes and their own decisions.17.你是对的,别人不一定就是错的。对有很多种不同方式,你不能通过自己的经历来判断别人。每个人的生活都不一样。对这个人是好事,对那个人可能不是。对某个人来说是件坏事,对另一个人而言却是好事。你要允许别人犯错,也要允许别人自己做决定。
18.Nobody is perfect, and nobody deserves to be perfect. Nobody has it easy. You never know what people are going through. Every one of us has issues. So don’t belittle yourself or anyone else. Everybody is fighting their own unique war.18.人无完人,人无须成完人。大家都过得不容易,你永远不会知道别人都在经历着些什么。每个人都有自己的事情要做。所以,别轻视自己,也别轻视他人。每个人都在打自己的仗。
19.A smile doesn’t always mean a person is happy. Sometimes it simply means they are strong enough to face their problems.19.微笑不代表快乐,有时,微笑仅仅说明我们足够强大去面对问题。
20.The happiest people I know keep an open mind to new ideas and ventures, use their leisure time as a means of mental development, and love good music, good books, good pictures, good company and good conversation. And oftentimes they are also the cause of happiness in others – me in particular.20.我认识的最快乐的人,他们思想开放,勇于接受新事物、新挑战,他们会利用业余时间来提升心智,喜欢悠扬的音乐、智慧的书籍、漂亮的画卷、优秀的伙伴和睿智的谈话。通常,他们也是别人快乐的来源,对我尤其如此。
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