“土豪(local tyrant)”原意是指在某城镇或某地区中有钱有势的人或家族。然而,如今旧词添新义,“土豪”变成了一个流行语。“土豪”这个词首次被延用到虚拟世界时,是用来形容那些愿意在电脑游戏上花大钱的人。后来,它被扩展到用来描述喜欢炫富的人。“土豪金”已经成为用来指代金色的iPhone 5S的流行语。黄金象征着高贵、财富和兴旺。“土豪金”曾在许多零售渠道脱销。
“Local tyrant”originally meant a rich and powerfulperson or family in a town or an area.However,theold term has assumed new meanings,and hasbecome a popular term.The use of term “localtyrant”was first extended to the virtual world todescribe the people who were willing to spend a huge sum of money on computergames.Later,it was extended to describe people who like to brag about their wealth.“Localtyrant gold”has become a popular phrase to describe the gold iPhone 5S.Gold symbolizesnobility,wealth and prosperity.The“local tyrant gold”used to be sold out in many retailchannels. |