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发表于 2016-7-28 21:09:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is busy preparing for the 2016Olympics. On Sunday, the International OlympicCommittee said it will begin testing the waters whereswimmers and other athletes will compete at the RioGames. The IOC said its scientists will be looking fordisease-causing viruses.
  Earlier, the IOC and Olympic organizers in Rio saidthey would only test for bacteria in the water. Braziland most other countries only require bacteriatesting to establish the safety of recreational waters.
  But an Associated Press investigation found high numbers of viruses linked to human waste inthe Olympic waters. Now, the IOC will act on the advice of the World Health Organization andexpand its tests to include viruses.
  Dr. Richard Budgett is the IOC's medical director.
  He told the news agency, "The WHO is saying they are recommending viral testing. We'vealways said we will follow the expert advice, so we will now be asking the appropriateauthorities in Rio to follow the expert advice which is for viral testing. We have to follow thebest expert advice.''
  Last week, the International Sailing Federation said it would perform its own independenttests for viruses. Peter Sowrey is head of the federation. He said, "We're going to find someonewho can do the testing for us that can safely cover what we need to know from a virusperspective as well as the bacteria perspective."
  High levels of viruses from sewage
  The Associated Press said its research team tested water at each of the three Olympic watersport venues over a five-month period. Thirty-seven water samples were tested for six kinds ofviruses and human waste bacteria.
  The AP said it found that about 1,400 Olympic athletes will have contact with water havingdangerously high levels of viruses from wastes. Water experts say the AP viral testing did notfind one area safe for Olympic swimming or boating events.
  The AP study found that athletes who drink just a small amount of water have a 99 percentchance of being infected by a virus. But that does not mean the athletes would become sick.The body's natural defenses against disease and other things can influence whether or not theperson gets sick.
  In Rio de Janeiro, much of the human waste goes untreated. Sewage runs down hills andwaterways around Olympic water venues. The waters are filled with floating objects, householdtrash and even dead animals.
  The pollution problem has been around for many years. Medical experts in Rio have called thedirty water, a public health crisis.
  Neither the IOC nor the International Sailing Federation has yet said who would carry out theirtests. Experts in Brazil say there are only three or four laboratories with the right equipmentand trained scientists who can test for viruses in water.
  Fernando Spilki is testing the waters for the Associated Press. He is a board member of theBrazilian Society for Virology. He is not receiving more from the AP to conduct the testing. Butthe news agency is buying the lab materials required to carry out the investigation.
  When Rio was awarded the Olympics in 2009, Brazilian officials promised cleaning its waterswould be an Olympic legacy. But Rio Mayor Eduardo Paes has repeatedly said this will not bedone. In his words, it is a "lost opportunity.''

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