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发表于 2016-7-28 21:09:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






  Solar panels are an increasingly common sight on thetops of homes in wealthy parts of Washington, D.C.Now the costly technology is moving into a poorerarea of the city. And, the people who live there aregetting the panels for free.
  Southeast Washington D.C. is an area known more for low-income housing than newtechnology. But several homes in Southeast now are topped with solar panels.
  Tila Felder is among those who have received solar panels for her home. She praised the lowerenergy costs.
  "I am very excited. My electric bill has really dropped. The last few months it's been $40 permonth compared to $200 a month.”
  Local officials make these solar panels available to residents whose yearly earnings are at orbelow $50,500 for a family of three. A family of four can make up to $60,000 a year and qualifyfor the panels.
  Ted Trabue is with the local government program, DC Sustainable Energy Utility. He says theyplan to put solar panels on hundreds more homes.
  "We're doing about 135 this year; next year the goal is 200. We've been able to hit ours goalsevery year for the last four years. In the years after that, the funding looks secure. I see noreason why we shouldn't be able to do more like 250 homes."
  Atta Kiarash installs solar-equipment. He says he will set up as many as 1,200 solar panels thisyear. That is not a high number compared to states like California. But Mr. Kiarash and otherWashington officials believe the number of installed panels could double by 2016.
  "Most of the time; most of our clients hear of us through word of mouth, through other jobswe've done in the past or through existing clients, and what they do is they reach out to usand we do the income qualification and we come out and do a site visit and make sure thatthey qualify. And if they qualify, we just put them on our construction schedule and we getthe job started."
  The program is paid for with fees from factories and oil processing centers for their carbondioxide emissions. Government officials expect millions of dollars in savings as the solar panelsbecome more popular. They believe energy subsidies to poor families will be cut and electriccosts will go down. They add that new jobs will be created.
  Edwin Amaker also lives in Southeast Washington. He is pleased with the 16 new solar panelson his roof.
  "Well, I was told that I would save between 30-40 percent which is major, you know, when youstart talking about the price of energy nowadays. So I like that; the less money out of mypocket, the more money I have for the family."
  Washington officials hope to start a program next year to help small businesses install solarpanels on their buildings. They hope to turn the nation's capital into an environmentally-cleansolar city.
  1.Solar panel 太阳能电池板
  Some analysts are less pessimistic about theprospects for solar panel manufacturers in theWest.
  2.Low-Income 低收入的
  Malnutrition poses a challenge for all low-income developing countries, large or small.
  3.move into 迁入;迁居
  When you move into a new house you really have to start payling out money.
  4.set up 建立;开设;成立
  They set up many branches throughout the country.

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