Reading difficult material can be a matter of concentration or of simply organizing the challenge into steps:阅读难以理解的文字材料往往需要人们高度集中注意力,其实还有一种简单的方法,即细分步骤、逐步解决这一难题:
Choose a moderate amount of material or a chapter to begin.首先,选择长度适中的文章或文章中的某一段开始阅读。
Get a grasp of how the material is organized: 大致看一下文章的结构:
Scan the section for titles, headings, sub-headings, and topic sentences to get its general idea; pay attention to graphs, charts, and diagrams. If there is a summary at the end of a chapter, read it.浏览文章的篇名、标题、副标题,段落主题句,了解文章的主旨大意;注意文章的图标,表格,数据表,如果每章末尾有总结语,也要注意阅读。
Check the beginning and the end for leading questions and exercises. Read first for what you do understand, and to determine difficulty.Mark what you do not understand to review later.阅读开头和结尾,注意导入的问题和相关练习题。先读你懂的部分,判断文章的难度。将不懂的部分作上标记,以便等会回顾。
As you read, practice the look-away method:阅读的时候运用“视线转移”的方法:
Periodically look away from the text and ask yourself a stimulus question relating to the text.读一段之后就将视线从文本上移开,就文本向自己提一个问题,激发自己的阅读兴趣。
Phrase the question positively!提问题的时候要用积极的词汇鼓励自己往下阅读!
Respond, or restate, in your own words.用自己的话复述或重述
Make connections and associations,but don't use this exercise to memorize--but rather understand.梳理文章的逻辑关联,兴发联想,在这个过程中不要试图背下文章——而是要试图理解文章。
Look up words查阅生词
Look up words whose meanings are important to your understanding of the material, but you cannot discern from the context.有些词对你理解文章至关重要,而你又不能从上下文理解,用词典查阅这些词的意思。
Read to the end阅读至文章结尾
Do not get discouraged and stop reading.一气呵成,不要中途放弃。
Ideas can become clearer the more you read. When you finish reading, review to see what you have learned, and reread those ideas that are not clear.随着你阅读的进度推进,你的理解程度也会加深。阅度完之后,回忆你从文中获取的信息,然后就你不理解的部分重读文段。
Organize your notes by connecting ideas you choose into an outline or concept map. 整理一下你标注过的笔记,将标注过的文段组织成一条纲领或概念关系图。
Pay attention to relationships between ideas.注意各个文段意义之间的关联性。
Do not confine yourself to words!不要拘泥于各个单独词语的意思!
Use representations, graphics, pictures, colors, even movement to visualize and connect ideas. Use whatever techniques work to help you understand.运用复述文段,列图标、画图画、涂颜色、甚至做动作等各种方法,让文意在你头脑中呈现出来,并彼此联通。用一切可行的方法理解文意。
At this point, if you do not understand your reading, do not panic!到了这一步,如果你还是不能理解这篇材料,也别慌张。
Set it aside, and read it again the next day.把文章放到一边,明天再来读。
If necessary, repeat. This allows your brain to process the material, even while you sleep. This is referred to as distributed reading.如有必要,重复上述步骤。这种做法能为你的大脑处理文章信息提供所需的时间,即使在你睡觉的时候,大脑也仍在处理信息。这种方法被称为分时段阅读法。
Re-read the section you have chosen with the framework (outline or concept map) you have constructed in mind.重读你择出的尚未理解的文段时,将它放入你已经在脑中建构出的文章脉络之中(即你列出的文章大纲或概念关系图)。
Separate out what you do understand from what you do not.将你读懂了的部分从你还不懂的文段中摘出来。
If the reading is still a challenge,consult with either your teacher, academic counselors, or reading specialists.如果你感到阅读文章仍有障碍,你可以咨询你的老师,助教或相关专家。 |