Instagram is so awash with photos of food-now a pop-up diner in London is taking advantage of this trend by letting people settle the bill for their meals simply by uploading photos of it to social networks.社交网站Instagram上晒美食照片的人真是太多了,伦敦一家流动餐厅都开始利用这种潮流做宣传了!在这家餐厅里,食客们只要将食物照片上传到社交网站上,就可以抵消账单了。
The world’s first pay-by-picture restaurant, called The Picture House, just opened to the public in London before heading to Manchester and Leeds next month.这家名为“照相屋”的流动餐厅近日在伦敦开门营业,下月将会移师曼彻斯特及利兹。这是世界上首家能够用照片买单的餐厅。
Each diner will be served a two-course meal and if they upload photos of the food to Instagram, Twitter or Facebook they won't have to pay.每位食客都可以享受一顿包括两道菜的美餐,只要他们将美食的照片上传到图片网站Instagram、推特或是脸书网上,他们就无需付钱了。
Scientists claim taking a photo of your food before you eat it makes it taste better.Researchers from Minnesota claim photographing food puts people in the moment and in doing so, heightens their senses.科学家指出,吃东西前给你面前的食物拍张照片会让你更有食欲。明尼苏达州的科学家称,给食物拍照能提醒食客专注于当下的美食,因而能激发人的味觉。
According to Webstagram there are currently over 90 million pictures using the hashtag 'food' on Instagram.根据图片网站Webstagram 调查显示,在Instagram上以“美食”为标签的图片已经超过了9千万张。
Furthermore over a third of Brits (39 per cent) purposely arrange food on their plate with the intention of sharing it online, and over a third of Brits (34 per cent) take pictures of food to express their creativity.不仅如此,有超过三分之一的英国人(39%)会有意识地将盘中的食物摆成好看的造型,以便在网上分享照片;超过三分之一的英国人(34%)通过晒美食图片来表现自己的创造力。 |