What do barrister Amal Alamuddin and award winning director Sophie Hunter have in common? They've each bagged two of the most eligible bachelors in the world, proving something we've known all along: it's brains not beauty that puts a ring on it.大律师阿迈勒·阿拉姆丁与获奖导演苏菲·亨特两人有什么共同点?他们各自都俘获了一位世界上最杰出的单身汉,这证明了一个我们早已熟知的道理:能让男人奉上结婚戒指的不是美貌,而是智慧。
1. She’s a smart cookie. She’s bilingual, having studied French and Italian at Oxford University and later at the esteemed Jacques Loco School of theatre in Paris. It figures; Cumberbatch’s sister has said in the past that any girlfriend of her brother would need to be “pretty smart to keep up with him.”她很聪明。她会多种语言,在牛津大学里修过法语和意大利语,后再鼎鼎大名的巴黎雅克·勒考克国际戏剧学校进修。这说明康伯巴奇对她钟情并非没有道理。过去康伯巴奇的姐姐曾说,她哥哥的历任女友都必须要“非常聪明,能跟他谈得来”。
2. She’s an award-winning director. In 2007 (when she was just 27) she received the prestigious Samuel Beckett award for writing and directing her play, The Terrific Electric in 2007 at the Barbican.她是一位获奖导演。在2007年(她当年仅27岁)她凭借自己当年自己创作、并在巴比肯剧院执导的戏剧《惊人的电击》获得了权威性的萨缪尔·贝克特最佳导演兼编剧奖。
3. She pretty much runs four theatre companies. She co-founded the Lacuna Theatre Company, is artistic director of The Boiler Room, is associate director at the Broadhurst Theatre and serves as collaborating director with the Phantom Limb Company.她可以说是同时经营着四家戏剧公司。她是拉库纳戏剧公司的联合创始人之一,是“锅炉房”戏剧公司的艺术总监,是广丘剧院的副导演,同时还担任着“幻肢”戏剧公司的联合导演一职。
4. She’s also a thesp. She met Cumberbatch on the film, Burlesque Fairytales in 2009 whilst other credits include roles in Torchwood, Midsummer Murders and the film Vanity Fair.她同时还是一位演员。她和康伯巴奇因为2009年的一部电影、《滑稽戏童话 》而相识。她还在《火炬木小组》、《杀机四伏》和电影《名利场》中饰演角色。
5. She recorded an album (!) with Robbie William’s old song writing partner Guy Chambers under the name The Isis Project. She provided the vocals – in perfect French. Obvs.她出过一张音乐专辑!合作人是罗伯特·彼得·威廉斯的老合作人、作曲家钱伯斯,专辑名为《小岛计划》。她是演唱者——用纯正的法语。这是当然的。
6. To top all of that, she’s a good egg who wants to make the world a better place to live in. She co-founded The Lacuna Theatre with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Together, their aim is to promote understanding of disability through theatre.最重要的是,她是个善良宽容的人,期待世界更加美好,人们生活更加幸福。她与国家多发性硬化症协会共同创立了拉库纳戏剧公司。他们共同的目标是通过戏剧使人们更好的了解残疾人的生活。 |