John Randall Meneses said 'I've done nothing wrong', despite his role in spreading the extremely graphic and personal stolen pictures of 101 celebrities, including Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and Kirsten Dunst.约翰·兰德尔·梅内塞斯参与散布了101位艺人的极其露骨和私密的照片,其中包括詹妮弗·劳伦斯,凯特·阿普顿以及克尔斯滕·邓斯特。尽管如此,他声称自己“并没有做错什么”。
Meneses, 33, collected the lewd celebrity snaps – stolen by hackers from the iCloud accounts of stars - on a Reddit forum called The Fappening.33岁的梅内塞斯收集了众多明星的猥亵照片——这些照片是黑客从诸明星的云账户上窃取的——将这些照片发布到了一个叫做The Fappening的Reddit论坛上。
Meneses told MailOnline that he only has one regret - that he posted the photos online under his own username and not an anonymous account.梅内塞斯对《每日邮报》记者说,他只为一件事感到后悔——那就是他是用自己的真名发布图片的,而不是通过匿名账号。
While it's clear Meneses didn't take part in the original hack or have anything to do with stealing the photos, he made sure the material was quickly disseminated to be viewed 250 million times, claims Meneses.虽然事实证明梅内塞斯没有参与最初的黑客活动,也没有窃取照片,但是他承认,是他使得这些照片快速散播出去,浏览次数达到了2亿5千万次。
As lawyers for the celebrities circle for somebody to sue for copyright and theft, a defensive Meneses says he didn't 'do any of the hacking' and says he made sure all his posts were within Reddit's rules. 诸明星的律师们正在试图寻找当事人并将以侵权罪和盗窃罪予以指控,梅内塞斯则自我辩解道,他跟这起黑客行动没有任何关系,并且他保证他上传的所有图片都是在Reddit允许的范围之内。
However, Meneses does concede that the hacking which produced the photos in the first place was wrong. 不过,梅内塞斯也承认,最开始传出这些照片的黑客行为是不对的。
Lawyers for the 101 victims of the hack, which include Kate Upton and Jennifer Lawrence, are taking a keen interest in bringing the original hacker and others who uploaded or distributed the images.101位黑客事件受害明星包括凯特·阿普顿和詹妮弗·劳伦斯,她们的律师正在采取积极措施,想要找出肇事的黑客,以及上传、散布这些照片的人们。
The tech geek disagreed with Reddit taking down his page last week. He also told MailOnline that he agreed with Ricky Gervais's controversial tweet in which the comedian told celebrities not to take naked photos in the first place. He joked: 'I've never taken any naked photos of myself and I don't plan to.'身为技术怪咖的梅内塞斯对Reddit上周封掉自己页面的举动表示抗议。他还对《每日邮报》记者说,他对瑞奇·热维斯发布的那条引起争议的推特消息深感赞同——这位喜剧演员劝告明星们,一开始就不应该拍裸照。他调侃道:“我从来没有拍过裸照。以后也不打算拍。” |