Jonathan Byler Dann's home was among the 400 lost to the tornado that ravaged Washington, Ill., on Sunday, but a discovery yesterday made for a beautiful silver lining.11月17日席卷伊利诺伊州华盛顿特区的龙卷风中,400户家庭失去了家园,乔纳森·拜耳·丹恩一家是其中之一。然而上周二他找到了自己心爱的宠物,残酷的灾难被加上了一份人间温情。
Maggie, Byler Dann's 11-year-old dog who was thought to have perished during the disaster, was discovered alive in the rubble of his home.拜耳·丹恩在自家的废墟中找到了11岁的宠物犬梅吉。它还活着,之前大家一度认为它在灾难中丧生。
The father of four had attempted to shelter Maggie along with his wife and kids in their basement, but the frightened pooch wouldn't leave her kennel, according to Weather.com's exclusive story. When the family finally surfaced, Byler Dann feared the worst for Maggie -- but after digging through the remains of the building the next day, he found her injured but in stable condition beneath the debris.据Weather.com网站的独家新闻报道,拜耳·丹恩曾经试图将妻子、四个儿女和梅吉一起带到地下室里躲起来,可是梅吉受了惊吓,不肯离开它的狗屋。当一家人从地下室出来的时候,拜耳·丹恩以为梅吉已经遭遇不测——第二天他挖遍了房屋的残骸,发现它被掩埋在废墟下,虽然受了伤,但是情况稳定。
But the happy ending doesn't end there. Hours after photos of Byler Dann and Maggie were posted to Reddit, the online community began to pitch in to cover her medical expenses.这个温情的故事还没有在这里画上句号。拜耳·丹恩和梅吉的照片被传到了红迪网上,数小时后,红迪网上的用户们开始纷纷为梅吉接受医疗筹款。
"A dislocated hip is pretty expensive to fix (like $1000). Does he need help with funds?" user Tryptophanatic asked. The Redditor, who appears to have been in contact with Byler Dann and his family, set up a fundraiser, and money began pouring in.“大腿骨错位的治疗费用很昂贵(大约需1000美元)。他是否需要帮助来支付这笔费用呢?”红迪网用户Tryptophanatic问道。他已经和拜耳·丹恩一家取得了联系,并且组织起了募捐活动,人们纷纷前来捐款。
The donations quickly met and exceeded Maggie's costs, and the remaining funds are now being used to help other animals at the clinic where she was treated and at shelters in the affected area.筹款数目很快达到,并超过了梅吉的医疗费用。现在,人们将剩余的款项用到了梅吉接收救治的诊所和受灾地区的庇护所中,去救助那里其他需要救助的动物。
A Facebook page called 'Illinois Tornado Animals Lost & Found' is helping survivors locate their missing pets.脸书网上开设了一个名为“伊利诺伊州龙卷风宠物遗失认领”的页面,希望帮助人们在灾后找到遗失的宠物。 |