For a nation that prides itself on having impeccable table manners, gorging on a juicy burger can prove more than a little tricky when it comes to maintaining your decorum.对一向以自己无可挑剔的餐桌礼仪而自豪的日本人来说,要拿着一个多汁的汉堡大快朵颐还要保持端庄,这确实是一件令人困扰的事情。
So much so, in fact, that one Japanese fast food chain found that sales were flagging because women had been avoiding the cultural faux pas of showing their open mouths in public.事实上,由于日本女性会避免在公共场合狼吞虎咽的失态表现,日本的一家快餐连锁店发现他们的销售量一直在下滑。
In Japan, it is regarded as attractive to have what's known as 'Ochobo' - a small and modest mouth - whereas doing the opposite is frowned upon as rude and ugly.在日本,拥有一张举止文雅的樱桃小嘴被认为是女性魅力的标志,反之则会被视为不雅和丑陋。
Now Freshness Burger has come up with simple solution to free women from the 'spell of Ochobo' - and sales have gone through the roof.现在这家快餐连锁店Freshness Burger 已经找到了方便的解决之道,将女性从“樱桃小口”的诅咒下解救出来。这家店的销售量也一路飙升。
The Liberation Wrapper is a paper 'napkin' which holds the burger and covers the mouth with a picture of a polite smile as you take a bite.“解放包装纸”可以在你吃汉堡的时候遮住不雅的形象,取而代之的是包装纸上一张得体的笑脸。
According to Dentsu East Japan, the company hired to come up with The Liberation Wrapper: 'Their (Freshness Burger) largest and best-tasting Classic Burger was amongst the least chosen by their female customers.Freshness Burger decided to challenge convention, freeing women from the spell of Ochobo mouth.'为这家快餐连锁店设计了这款解放包装纸的日本最大广告公司电通公司称,“极少有女性顾客会选择这家公司最大最美味的经典汉堡。所以这家快餐连锁店决定挑战传统,将女性从‘樱桃小口’的诅咒下解放出来。” |