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男子重达900斤 减肥成功后喜获爱情









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发表于 2016-7-28 13:20:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        He was once the world's fattest man weighing in at a staggering 70 stone and consuming a mammoth 20,000 calories a day.他曾经是世界上最胖的男子,重达70英石(约900斤),每天要摄入2万卡路里的热量。
        But it seems that after losing 48 stone following NHS surgery, it's not just Paul Mason's health that has a more promising outlook - his weight loss may have also boosted his love life.在接受医疗服务系统提供的手术后,保罗·梅森瘦了48英石,但他收获的未来不仅是健康的身体,他还可能因为减肥而收获爱情。
        Mr Mason has only known his new girlfriend Rebecca for a month and the pair are yet to meet, but already the 52-year old claims that Rebecca is the love of his life.梅森先生只和他的新女友丽贝卡认识一个月,两人还没见面,但这位52岁的男士就已宣称丽贝卡是他生命中的挚爱。
        The pair met online last month when Rebecca saw a television documentary about Mr Mason's extreme obesity - the result, he says, of overeating when a previous relationship ended.这两人上个月在网络上相识。丽贝卡在电视上看到了关于梅森先生极度肥胖的纪录片——梅森说那是他结束前一段恋情后过度饮食的后果。
        She was so touched by his plight that Rebecca got in touch via Facebook keen to help Mr Mason in his bid to get the NHS to pay for a second operation to rid him of layers of excess skin.丽贝卡对他的境遇很感动,因此通过Facebook同他取得联系,以帮助他获得由NHS付款的第二次手术,帮助梅森去掉多余皮层。
        Mr Mason said: 'She didn't really think anything romantically to start with. I didn't know anything about her and we talked all about her life and how she wants to help me.'梅森先生说:“她刚开始时真的没想过要有什么恋爱关系。我一点也不了解她,我们只是谈论了她的生活,以及她想要如何帮助我。”
        'It wasn't until the second conversation that I realised there was more there than just friends. She felt the same and brought up the idea of us being boyfriend and girlfriend.'“直到第二次谈话时我才意识到我们并非普通的朋友关系。她也有同样的想法,还提出要做男女朋友的想法。”



        Mr Mason says that he doesn't go for looks and finds Rebecca's determined attitude particularly attractive. He said: 'I am more interested in the person rather than the physical side of things.梅森先生说他不看重外表,是丽贝卡的坚定态度深深吸引了他。他说:“我更喜欢一个人的内在思想,而非外在方面。”
        'It is her personality, her drive and passion and she has a lovely smile that made me fall for her. It was hard for me to accept to start with because part of me is still trapped in this loose skin and I find it hard to understand how anyone can see through that.“是她的个性、追求事物的动力和激情,还有甜美的微笑吸引了我。但我却很难接受从头开始恋爱,因为现在我还是一身松松垮垮的皮肤,我也很难明白怎么有人能看穿外表不受它影响。”
        'We share the same ideas, interests, and outlook on life and she has made me look at life in a new way. I'm more determined than ever to get this operation and enjoy my life with her.'“我们有同样的理想、爱好和对未来生活的希望,她教会我用新的角度看世界。我现在比任何时候都想接受除皮手术,和她幸福地生活在一起。”
        'For a long time I couldn't really see light at the end of the tunnel. But since Rebecca's been in my life I've got a whole new sense of worth and excitement.'“很长时间以来我的生活一片黑暗,看不到曙光。但自从丽贝卡出现在我的生活中后,我又感受到了存在的价值,对此我异常兴奋。”
        Mr Mason ballooned to his incredible size by eating ten times the amount needed by a normal man due to a compulsive eating disorder. As his weight soared he was left unable to stand or walk before finally becoming bed-ridden and being looked after full time by council carers.梅森先生曾患有强迫性暴食症,每天要吃十倍于正常男性的食物,因此身体严重走形。随着体重狂飙,他到后来无法站立行走,最终只能卧床不起,由志愿护理人员全天照料。



        Firefighters had to demolish the front wall of his former home so they could drive a fork lift truck inside to lift him out and put him into an ambulance when he needed an operation in 2002.2002年他需要做手术,由于身体庞大,消防队员只能拆除他家的一面墙,用叉车把他从家中抬出来,放进救护车里。
        Mr Mason was later given a purpose-built housing association home with extra wide doorways so he could move around.后来住宅协会向梅森先生提供了特制住宅,内设特宽门廊,以确保他能自由行走。

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