Georgia Institute of Technology student Nicholas Selby is a force to be reckoned with.佐乔治亚理工学院学生尼古拉斯·塞尔比绝对不容轻视。
The sophomore is a Mechanical Engineering major, co-leads Team Solar Jackets -- Georgia Tech's team that built and raced a solar-powered car in the Formula Sun Grand Prix -- and is a president's scholar, representing the top 2% of enrolled students at the university.这位机械工程专业的大二学生还是“太阳能夹克队”的主要领导,他代表佐乔治亚理工学院自主设计太阳能汽车,并参与了国际太阳能汽车大奖赛。此外他还是总统奖学金获得者,这意味着他是整个学校里排名前2%的优秀学生。
It's safe to say he must have a lot of energy -- and it appears to have been unleashed during his welcome speech Sunday to this year's freshman class.很显然这位演讲者精力充沛,而且在周日面向大一新生的迎新致辞上,他将体内的巨大能量释放得淋漓尽致。
1. Call your mother often. 经常给妈妈打电话。
2. Take classes from more difficult professors for your major cause.选择要求更严格的专业课老师。
3. Do laundry often. 勤洗衣服。
4. Make sure to get out and see new places.走出校园,多见见世面。
5. Join a club, team or extra-curriculum activity. 加入社团、体育小组或课外活动项目。
6.Try to get internships. The experiences you gain will help after colleage.多做实习。实习经历能在你毕业后帮到大忙。
7. C-style array for indexing is 0 to n-1 while in Matlab is 1 to n.C语言里数组索引是0到n-1而Matlab则是1到n。
8. Sit up front in classes. 坐在教室第一排。
9. Get sleep. The best way to ensure sleep is to work on homework right when it's assigned and starting study for tests a week before you take them.保证睡眠。保证睡眠的最好方式是及时做作业,在考试前一个星期就开始复习。
10. Remember why you are here.记住你为什么来上大学。 |