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印度男当众求婚 遭女友吉他暴打









Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2016-7-28 13:19:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
        If you're seriously considering proposing to your loved one in public, you might just want to watch this video first.如果你正在考虑当众向爱人求婚,你可能会想先看一下这个视频。
        A hapless romeo gets down on one knee to ask his girlfriend to marry him, but she clumps him around the head with a busker's ukulele.一名倒霉的男子单膝跪地向女友求婚,但是女友却用乐手的夏威夷四弦琴砸他的头。
        The cringeworthy video, shot in a shopping mall in Dubai, shows the man, described as an 'Indian teen', and the girl walk up to a group of buskers.这段尴尬的视频摄于迪拜的一个商场,视频中能看到这位被描述为“印度青年”的男子以及一名女孩走向一组街头乐手。
        As the musicians begin to play,he takes a microphone and launches into a gooey speech saying: 'I have a very special message for a very special girl. This is where we met three months ago.正当乐手们开始表演时,男子拿过麦克风并发表一段感人演讲:“我要对一个非常特别的女孩来一段非常特别的表白。这是我们三个月前相识的地方。”
        'You are my charm, you are my sweety pie, you are my cutie pie, my absolute everything, and I know you find this cheesy but I want everyone to know, you make me really happy.'“你如此有魅力,你是我的甜心,我心中最可爱的人,我的一切,尽管我知道你会觉得这些话太俗气,但我还是想要每个人都知道,你让我感受到了真正的幸福。”
        As a crowd gathers things start going badly for the man when a toy town-style mall train drives past, breaking the mood and the embarrassed girl mutters 'Oh my god everyone's watching.'当人群聚集起来时,事情开始变得糟糕。一辆商场载人玩具火车经过打破了当时的气氛,那名尴尬的女孩说:“天呐,大家都看着呢。”



        Undaunted the man  continues: 'I have a little poem for you and I want everyone to hear this.勇敢的男子继续说道:“我有一首小诗要送给你,想每个人都听到。”
        'When you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while. And my heart ceases to beat and there is nothing else I seek except you.'“当你微笑的时候,整个世界都停止运转,凝固在那一瞬,我的心脏也停止跳动。除了你,我别无他求。”
        As he gets down on one knee the girl begs him to stop but he continues: 'And I Just have one question for you. You truly make me that happiest person on earth.'当他单膝下跪,女孩乞求他别说了但他仍然继续:“我现在有一个问题想要问你,是你让我成为世界上最幸福的那个人。”
        But the girl simply cannot take anymore and she snatches the miniature guitar out of the hands of one of the buskers and whacks her suitor round the head with it sending him to the floor in a crumpled heap.但是女孩无法再忍受下去了,她夺过一名乐手的小吉他对着男子迎头一击,男子应声倒地。
        She then throws the instrument onto the ground and and storms off.然后她扔掉了乐器,气冲冲地离开了。
        The clip has since gone viral on YouTube but there is a strong suggestion it could be a publicity stunt, not in the least because the mall train bears the advertising message 'not so sweet'.该视频在Youtube上的点击率飙升,但有人质疑这可能只是宣传噱头,至少我们在商场火车上看到了“不太甜(蜜)”的广告标语。

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