A Taylor Swift lookalike claims she has been kicked in the face because people were 'jealous' of her star looks.一名长得像泰勒·斯威夫特的英国女孩称因为别人嫉妒她的“星相”而被殴打,脸部被踢伤。
Convincing lookalike Xenna Kristian, 18, suffered bruising after allegedly being pulled from her chair and repeatedly kicked while studying at college on Tuesday.这位18岁的女孩名叫希娜-克里斯汀。周二在大学学习的时候,被人从座位上拉下来,狂踢了一顿至今伤痕犹在。
Xenna, from Shropshire, said: 'Some girls at college had started making nasty comments, but it escalated really quickly.'希娜来自英国什罗普郡,她说:“学校里有些女孩早已开始恶语相加,但没想到情况恶化得太快了。”
'The girl came up behind me and dragged me off my chair by my pony tail, then started kicking me in the face. It just came as a complete shock.'“有个女孩从我后面扯着我的马尾辫把我拉下椅子,然后踢我的脸。简直太突然了。”
Xenna said: 'I tried to get her off me but my friends had to help. The teachers didn't do anything. Since I started being a lookalike people have been saying stuff. They must be jealous that I'm going off to do something with my life.'希娜说:“我尽力挣脱她,我的朋友不得不帮帮我,不过老师无动于衷。自从我开始长得像明星,人们一直在说三道四。他们一定是嫉妒我的人生将有些许改变。”
'Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I still feel shaken up.'“这种事情以前从没发生过,我现在仍然心有余悸。”
She has done several charity performances and private parties as a Taylor Swift lookalike. But now Xenna will have to take time off until the bruising goes down and her jaw recovers.因为长相酷似泰勒·斯威夫特的,希娜曾经参加一些慈善演出和私人派对。但是,现在希娜不得不等伤痕褪去下巴康复。
She said: 'I've had to cancel three appearances just from this week, and I won't be able to do any more until the bruising goes.'她说:“从这周起,我不得不取消三场活动,伤痕褪去之前我都不能去了。” |