A brave student crossed 9,000 miles of Africa for charity on his motorbike, travelling from Cairo to Cape Town, through Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nairobi, Tanzania and Mozambique.一位勇敢的学生为了慈善事业,骑着他的摩托车在非洲历经9000英里的路程,从开罗到开普敦,沿途经过了苏丹、埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、内罗毕、坦桑尼亚和莫桑比克。
Taking his life in his hands, he even steered his BMWS650 Dakar, nicknamed Pegasus, through 'bandit country' where other bikers had been robbed and shot a week earlier. But it was only when he returned home to Newcastle that his bike was stolen - from just outside his house.这个勇于把握自己命运的学生甚至骑着他那辆叫“天马”的宝马S650达喀尔摩托车,穿越了“强盗之国”,就在一周前在那里还有驴友被抢劫甚至遭到枪击。然而就在他安然无恙回到位于纽卡斯尔的家中,他的摩托车就在家门口被偷了。
Jim Adams, 21, journeyed for three months on his trusty bike to raise money for brain tumour research. He travelled across the continent through 12 different countries on dirt tracks and rough terrain. But when he parked his beloved motorbike back outside his West Jesmond home this week, thieves stole it while he slept.21岁的吉姆·亚当斯为了给一个脑瘤研究项目募集资金,骑着他这辆可靠的摩托车旅行了3个月。 他穿越了非洲大陆12个不同的国家,沿途尘土飞扬、道路崎岖。可就在本周,他把这辆心爱的摩托车停在位于西杰斯蒙德的家门口,小偷趁他睡着时偷走了他的车。
'I loved that bike,' said the business management student at Newcastle University. 'It carried me from Cairo to Cape Town, crossing three major deserts. On one stretch of desert from Ethiopia to Kenya, we were warned it was really dangerous and people had been killed.“我爱这辆车,”这位纽卡斯尔大学商务管理专业的学生说。“它一路载着我从开罗到了开普敦,穿越了3个大沙漠。在从埃塞俄比亚通往肯尼亚的一片沙漠上,有人警告我们说这里非常危险,之前有人在此遇害。”
'There were some really hostile environments and the bike could have been stolen lots of times but nobody did, so to have it taken from our quiet street in West Jesmond is unbelievable.' Mr Adam set off on the daring journey through Africa last June with university friend Humphrey Wrey.“我们曾多次身陷险境,我的摩托车完全有可能被偷走,然而却没人对它下手,所以它在西杰斯蒙德安静的街道上被盗简直难以置信。” 亚当斯去年6月和他的大学好友汉弗莱·雷伊一起开始了这段勇敢的旅程。
The pair raised £20,000 for a brain tumour charity, which Mr Adams chose after losing his grandmother to the disease. 两人为这项治疗脑瘤的慈善项目募集了2万英镑。亚当斯是在祖母因脑瘤去世后决定进行这项慈善事业的。
The £2,500 bike had just been made road-worthy again after its African adventure. 'When I woke up on Monday and realised it was gone, I was devastated,' said Mr Adams. 'It’s not the money, it’s the sentimentality.这辆价值2500英镑的摩托车在结束了非洲历险之后就被盗了。“周一早晨当我醒来时我发现它不见了,我深受打击,”亚当斯说。“我失去的不是钱,而是一份情感寄托。”
'I have so many important memories. Those bikes are really hard to jump-start so it must have been picked up and carried away, which makes me think it was planned. I hope someone will see this and realise how important the motorbike is and what I’ve been through on it.“它承载了我许多重要的回忆。那种摩托车很难发动,所以它一定是被扛起来搬走的,我觉得这是有预谋的。我希望能有人看见这辆车,我希望他们能了解它对我有多重要,我们一起经历了那么多。”
'I am willing to pay a reward to anyone who can give information leading to the bike being returned to me. If anyone knows where the bike is, please get in touch with the police.'“对于任何可以提供信息帮助我找回这辆车的人,我都愿意给予酬谢。如果有任何人知道这辆车的下落,请和警方联系。” |