A man tried to smuggle his pet turtle through security in Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport by hiding it in a KFC hamburger.日前在广州白云国际机场,一名男子为使宠物龟顺利通过安检,竟试图把它藏在肯德基汉堡包里。
The incident occurred on the morning of July 29, when a man, surnamed Li, was about to board China Southern Airlines flight 345 to Beijing, Guangzhou Daily reported. As Li passed through airport security, X-ray screening machines detected a few "odd protrusions" sticking out of a KFC burger that the man had packed in his bag.据广州日报报道,事件发生在7月29日早上,一名李姓男子正准备乘坐中国南方航空公司345航班飞往北京。当他通过机场安检时,X光安检机检测到这名男子包里的汉堡包有些异常突出物。
Airport staff determined that the protrusions looked suspiciously like turtle limbs, and asked to inspect Li’s luggage.机场工作人员认为突出物疑似乌龟四肢,因此要求检查李某的行李。
"There’s no turtle in there, just a hamburger," Li reportedly insisted. "There’s nothing special to see inside."“没有乌龟,只有汉堡,” 李某坚持说,“里面没什么好看的。”
Li finally acquiesced to an inspection after repeated requests from airport staff, who uncovered the pet turtle hidden inside the burger. When asked why he had devised this strange idea, Li said that he had only wanted to travel together with his "beloved" turtle.在工作人员再三坚持下,李某最后默许了行李检查,结果发现乌龟被藏在了汉堡里。当被问到为什么会有这个奇怪的想法时,李某说他只是想和心爱的乌龟一起旅行。
After staff patiently explained that turtles could not be smuggled on board the plane, Li reluctantly agreed to allow a friend to care for his pet while he was away.工作人员耐心地解释,乌龟不能被带上飞机,李某这才勉强同意在自己离开的这段时间里,把乌龟托付给朋友照看。
A few amused Sina Weibo users commented on the story after it went live, and most said that Li’s affection for his turtle was cute. One user, however, questioned Li’s logic for stuffing his pet into a burger and then sending it through an airport screening machine.事后,几名新浪微博用户评论了此事,多数人认为李某对乌龟的感情很可爱。然而,一位用户也质疑了李某的逻辑,怎么会把乌龟装进汉堡,又送它通过机场检测机。
"That poor turtle!" the netizen wrote. "It had to absorb all those X-rays!"“可怜的乌龟!”网友写道,“还得遭受X光的辐射!” |